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The Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure Research Team 1 Report: Owner Organization for Successful Project Outcomes
This is the report of the Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure's Team 1. Facilitated by Kirk Hamilton, FAIA, of Texas A&M…
The Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure Research Team 4 Report: Defining the Next Generation’s Focus
This is the report of the Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure's Team 4. Facilitated by Mardelle Shepley, FAIA, of Cornell University…
The Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure Research Team 2 Report: Developing a Flexible Healthcare Infrastructure
This is the report of the Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure's Team 2. Facilitated by David Allison, FAIA of Clemson University and…
The Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure Research Team 5 Report: Reducing Capital Costs
This is the report of the Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure's Team 5. Facilitated by Dennis Bausman, PhD, of Cornell University…
Results from an Expert Roundtable on Utilization of Public-Private Partnerships to Promote High-Performance Public Buildings in the United States
This report, developed jointly by the National Institute of Building Sciences and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors…
The Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure Research Team 3 Report: Project Acceleration / Speed to Market Strategies
This is the report of the Academy for Healthcare Infrastructure's Team 3. Facilitated by Rebekah Gladson, FAIA, of rggroup global and…
Financing Energy-Efficiency and Renewable-Energy Projects
In this report, the Institute’s Council on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (CFIRE) examines the current and potential roles of…
Developing Pre-Disaster Resilience Based on Public and Private Incentivization
This white paper, released by the Institute’s Multihazard Mitigation Council (MMC) and Council on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (…
Off-Site Studies: Solid Timber Construction
Solid timber construction (STC) refers to different types of massive wood planar or frame elements used for walls, floors, roofs,…
Building Offsite an Introduction
The following document is an introduction to Building Offsite. Funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The…