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Modular Construction For Multifamily Housing
Modular multifamily housing construction can increase the development of healthy affordable housing by saving significant cost, time,…
Benefits and Challenges of a Timely Code Adoption Cycle
Many jurisdictions in the United States have put building codes and standards in place to protect the health, safety and welfare of…
Engaging Code Officials Early in the Process to Achieve High-Performance Buildings
In recent years, building owners and communities have increasingly focused on improving the design, construction and operation of…
Development of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions ASCE/SEI 7-16 Adoption Report
This report, prepared at the outset of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions development cycle, presents some important background on the NEHRP…
Implementing an Outcome-Based Compliance Path in Energy Codes: Guidance for Cities
This guidance document, developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and the New Buildings Institute, gives jurisdictions…
Project 17 Workshop on Seismic Hazard Mapping
On November 28, 2016, a Project 17 Workshop on Seismic Hazard Mapping was organized and presented by the Project 17 Committee of BSSC…
Saving Time with Modular Bathroom Pods
Bathroom pods contribute to a cleaner and safer work environment, help reduce labor, materials, waste, and costs, and increase speed…
National BIM Guide for Owners
The purpose of the National Building Information Modeling Guide for Owners (NBGO) is to outline for the building Owner how to develop…
The Role of Existing Building Codes in Safely, Cost-Effectively Transforming the Nation’s Building Stock
In this report, the Institute’s National Council of Governments on Building Codes and Standards (NCGBCS) examines effective strategies…
Report of the Results of the 2015 Off-Site Construction Industry Survey of Software Usage
This report compiles the results of a survey conducted by the Off-Site Construction Council (OSCC) in the summer of 2015 to identify…