An Engineer's Perspective: Shaping Resilient Systems Through Policy and Practice
The National Institute of Building Sciences brings together representatives from a variety of places – government, the building professions, industry, labor and consumer interests, and regulatory agencies. It’s through the work of our councils and committees that we’re able to identify and resolve problems and potential problems that stand in the way of safe, affordable, and sustainable structures for the built environment.
Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) – BSSC works to enhance public safety by improving earthquake-resistant design and construction throughout the United States. The council develops seismic safety provisions for the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program and promotes their adoption of voluntary standards and model codes.
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Council (MMC) – MMC disseminates credible information and counsel on major policy issues involving multi-hazard disaster resilience and risk reduction. The council promotes increased all-hazard disaster resilience and risk reduction in the built environment as part of a whole building strategy. Under MMC is the subcommittee for finance, insurance and real estate (formerly CFIRE). This subcommittee works to promote collaboration and buy-in across these sectors to address the challenges of evaluating risks, benefits, technologies and practices associated with the achievement of cost-effective high-performance buildings.
Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) – BETEC develops a sound technical and economic basis for the design, construction, and operation of new buildings and the modification of existing buildings to optimize energy efficiency, while maintaining function, durability, and a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Through a cooperative agreement with the American Institute of Architects, BETEC has formed Building Enclosure Councils in numerous U.S. cities.
Facility Management and Operations Council (FMOC) – FMOC provides industry-wide, public and private support for the creation of higher quality facilities through improved maintenance and operation and real property management. Also, under FMOC is the Commercial Workforce Credentialing subcommittee; it works to advance the development and recognition of quality building industry credentials.
Digital Technology Council (DTC) ® – This council (formerly the Building Information Management Council) provides and promotes methods for the integration of all facility life-cycle processes that embody the planning, construction, operation, occupancy and disposal of the built environment through a dynamic and interoperable exchange, use and retention of digital representation, and the functional characteristics of accurate and useful information.
WBDG Whole Building Design Guide® Workgroup – WBDG is a comprehensive, internet-based portal to a wide range of federal- and private-sector building-related guidance criteria and technology. It creatively links information across traditional professional disciplines to encourage integrated thinking and “whole building” performance. The WBDG includes a comprehensive library of over 12,000 design criteria, other construction documents and executable programs from federal and private organizations.
Building Research Information Knowledgebase (BRIK) – A collaboration between NIBS and AIA, BRIK is an interactive portal to support incorporation of multidisciplinary research in the design, construction and operation of high-performance buildings. BRIK offers online access to peer-reviewed research and case studies in all facets of building, from predesign through occupancy and reuse.
Consultative Council – The Consultative Council advises and supports NIBS by making recommendations for presentation to the President of the United States on developing and applying science and technology to improve the built environment.
Off-Site Construction Council (OSCC) – OSCC serves as a research, education, and outreach center for relevant and current information on off-site design and construction for commercial and multifamily buildings.