An Engineer's Perspective: Shaping Resilient Systems Through Policy and Practice
Collaboration is the foundation of NIBS. The organization brings together an elite community of thinkers, innovators, educators and creators across all sectors of the built environment to solve critical issues facing the industry. Members are invited to have a seat at the table where these discussions take place. Below are networking opportunities that facilitate collaboration among members:
Join a council! NIBS has a variety of councils and programs that focus on broad-based and specialized building process issues. These councils are vital components of the organization, advising on key aspects of NIBS' technical programs. Each council is governed by a voluntary board of direction comprised of nationally recognized leaders in appropriate disciplines. Learn more about NIBS councils.
Building Innovation 2025: Building Innovation brings together a unique group of built environment professionals. The goal: To improve the nation’s buildings and our communities. Planning for BI2025 now is underway. This is your chance to listen to experts, follow collaborative sessions, network with peers, and earn continuing education units or HSW credits.
BSSC NEHRP Webinar Series: The 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA P-2082) marks the tenth edition of this technical resource document since its first publication in 1985. As with prior editions, this FEMA document is a national seismic code resource for design professionals and the U.S. standards and code-development organizations. Most of the recommended code changes in Part 1 of the NEHRP Provisions are adopted by ASCE/SEI 7-22, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, which is to be adopted by reference by the 2024 International Building Code.
Dell Member Discount: To access your exclusive savings, contact our Account Executive at Dell at You also can call 800-757-8442 to speak with a Dell Tech Advisor and mention Member ID: 530016093949, or head to Dell Technologies offers NIBS members a wide range of reliable business class technology solutions—from laptops and desktops to all-in-one systems. Check out the extensive lineup of Dell-branded accessories available. Navigating the Hybrid Cloud webinar
NIBS Standards and Reports: Members receive discounts on many publications and standards available on These products are produced in accordance with NIBS' mission by facilitating the introduction of new and innovative technology, and disseminating nationally recognized technical information.
NIBS offers discounted member registrations for many of our events. View our calendar of events here.
The Whole Building Design Guide® is the largest collection of education resources on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a 'whole buildings' perspective. NIBS hosts a number of online education and training opportunities on the WBDG website. Members can select from a variety of courses, sessions and webinars to earn continuing education units from various education providers.
The annual Building Innovation Conference features numerous education opportunities. Many of these sessions will count towards continuing education units from various education providers, such as ICC and AIA. Members receive a discount on conference registration and are invited to join in these collaborative discussions. Learn more about the conference programming.