An Engineer's Perspective: Shaping Resilient Systems Through Policy and Practice
NIBS maintains expertise in a variety of areas to serve the needs of our clients and advance the building industry toward realizing high-performance buildings and communities. As evidenced by our projects and cadre of internal and external experts, we provide the diverse expertise necessary to deliver results. Through the strategic use of expertise in the following areas, NIBS develops and executes cost-effective solutions to industry or client issues.
Delivering a high-performance building requires the engagement of numerous disciplines and the integration and optimization of multiple performance attributes. With our unique focus on the whole building, integrated approaches to high-performance buildings, and a collaborative, problem-solving environment, NIBS is uniquely situated to identify and implement solutions that cross disciplines.
High-performance organizations and programs drive the delivery of high-performance buildings. NIBS assists our clients in the development and implementation of programs that support their goals while recognizing the changing dynamics of the building industry. In addition to our work with individual clients, we regularly bring together industry leaders and visionaries to discuss the state of the industry and their foresight.
NIBS has access to an extensive network of subject matter experts, agencies, and corporations. Coupled with NIBS' special contracting mechanisms, this provides an unprecedented opportunity to assure implementation of the most effective solution to identified challenges.
Successful programs often rely on the engagement of outside organizations for review and validation. NIBS' combination of expertise, independence, and reputation provides an ideal forum to support the establishment and management of independent review or validation panels. Our network of experts stands ready to provide advice and validation services in support of client programs and processes.
Complex issues within the building industry require the engagement of numerous disciplines—often with different vocabularies and visions for the future. Developing solutions to such complex issues requires strong facilitation skills and the respect of participants. NIBS often provides facilitation expertise to both public and private sector clients and in our councils and committees.
Fulfilling the mandate given by Congress to develop, promulgate and maintain performance criteria, standards and other technical provisions, NIBS maintains a strong focus in this area. Through our expert network and the engagement of industry stakeholders, NIBS delivers criteria, guidelines and best practices to support client-building activities or programs.
To develop and conduct education and training offerings, whether part of an existing or stand-alone project, NIBS brings together strong technical expertise and the expertise of education professionals. NIBS is a recognized continuing education provider by AIA, GBCI and ICC.
The development of tools to support decision-making requires a deep understanding of the needs of users, the goals to be realized by implementation of the tool, and the technical expertise to assure that results are valid. NIBS has a strong track record in the development of tools that support owners, designers and communities.