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Transformational Building Sciences & Technologies

The National Institute of Building Sciences Board of Directors developed the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan to guide the organization. The plan includes four major goals, each with specific strategies.

With the goal of transformational building sciences and technologies, NIBS aims to promote convergent research and emerging technologies. Strategies to this goal involve nurturing and promoting creativity and innovation to advance technology. NIBS also aims to remove barriers to accelerate technology acceptance and adoption and advance innovative technology awareness and implementation.

Transformational Building Sciences & Technologies
NIBS aims to promote convergent research and transformational technologies by:

Nurturing and promoting creativity and innovation to advance technology

Removing barriers to accelerate technology acceptance and adoption

Advancing innovative technology awareness and implementation



More on Our Commitment to Transformational Building Sciences & Technologies

Upcoming Events and Webinars
Accelerating Digital Transformation with the U.S. National BIM Program

The U.S. built environment has yet to realize the full benefits of digital transformation.

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Cyber-Physical Impact Modeling Webinar

The risk profile of current and emerging cyber threats to commercial and institutional building sites cannot be overstated. Sites include and may not be limited to critical utilities such as electric, water and waste management, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, airports, stadiums, office buildings, prisons, and courts. Protecting these sites from bad actions or errors from employees can minimize outside takeover of operational systems, risk to loss of life, personal injury, and harm to the environment.

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Building Technology and Retrofits

Building Information Management and Modeling are two keys to unlocking the success of existing building retrofits. Implementation of these strategies and tools optimize the design and construction process. Building Information Modeling has the capacity to coordinate numerous types of data input, such as energy models and 3-D design, which offers architects, engineers, and contractors the ability to visualize and simulated projects before they are built.

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BIM Series

This summer, the National Institute of Building Sciences Building Information Management (BIM) Council will host a three-part hearing entitled, The State of Digital Delivery in the Age of Information Privacy and Cyber Security. This series will convene a group of experts within the built environment to discuss the impacts of security regulations on the drive toward BIM-enabled project delivery and operations. As we face challenges to cybersecurity and real threats to the built environment caused by cyberterrorism and security breaches, we are grappling with the increasing desire and practical demand for more efficient collaborative digital delivery.

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Past Events and Webinars
Webinar: Collaborative Digital Delivery in the Age of Information Privacy and Cyber Security

Join the National Institute of Building Sciences BIM Council, as we explore the current state of collaborative digital delivery as it is impacted by the latest trends and requirements related to information privacy and cyber security.

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Workshop: Collaborative Digital Delivery in the Age of Information Privacy and Cyber Security

The National Institute of Building Sciences BIM Council is convening a group of experts and stakeholders in the built environment to discuss the impacts of security regulations on the drive toward BIM-enabled project delivery and operations.

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BIM Event Series Part III: Collaborative Digital Delivery in the Age of Information Privacy & Cyber Security

Join us as we convene a group of experts and stakeholders in the field of security from various perspectives to discuss the impacts of security regulations on the drive towards BIM enabled project delivery and operations.

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