An Engineer's Perspective: Shaping Resilient Systems Through Policy and Practice
The NEHRP Recommended Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures embodies the state–of–knowledge criteria for the design and construction of buildings subject to earthquake hazards. The techniques and technologies contained in this resource document are diffused into several national standards, including the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE–7 Design Standard for Minimum Loads that are referenced by the model building codes developed by the International Code Council (ICC).
The Provisions are developed by the Provisions Update Committee (PUC) a technical committee of seismic experts that identify and apply the most advanced seismic technology available. The committee is supported by expert issue teams (ITs) that address specific aspects of seismic design methodology and construction. These committee and team members ensure that lessons learned from the building performance during the earthquakes, as well as new research to improve earthquake resistance, are reflected in state–of–the–art seismic requirements. The ITs develop proposals for requirements that are balloted by the PUC according to BSSC's consensus process, and subsequently balloted by the member organizations.
Name | Organization | Role |
Bonneville, David | Degenkolb Engineers | Chair |
Carrato, Peter | Bechtel Power Corporation | Member |
Cobeen, Kelly | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates | Member |
Crouse, C.B. | AECOM | Member |
Dolan, Dan | Washington State University | Member |
Dutta, Anindya | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger | Member |
Ghosh, S.K. | S.K. Ghosh Associates | Member |
Gillengerten, John | John Gillengerten | Member |
Hamburger, Ron | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger | Member |
Harris, Jim | James Harris & Associates | Member |
Holmes, William | Rutherford & Chekene | Member |
Hooper, John | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Member |
Kasali, Gyimah | Rutherford & Chekene | Member |
Kircher, Charles | Charles Kircher & Associates | Member |
Line, Philip | American Wood Council | Member |
Lizundia, Bret | Rutherford & Chekene | Member |
Malley, James | Degenkolb Engineers | Member |
Manley, Bonnie | American Iron and Steel Institute | Member |
Pekelnicky, Robert | Degenkolb Engineers | Member |
Sabelli, Rafael | Walter P. Moore | Member |
Silva, John | Hilti | Member |
Soules, Greg | Chicago Bridge and Iron Company | Member |
Stewart, Jonathan | University of California Los Angeles | Member |
Luco, Nico | U.S. Geological Survey | USGS Liaison |
Rezaeian, Sanaz | U.S. Geological Survey | USGS Liaison |
McCabe, Steven | National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST Liaison |
Collins, Jason | PCS Structural Solutions | Corresponding Member |
Rodrigues–Merak, Adrian | Virginia Tech | Corresponding Member |
Hanson, Robert | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | Technical Advisor |
Tong, Mai | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | Project Officer |
Yuan, Jiqiu (JQ) | National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) | BSSC Executive Director |
April 16th – 18th
August 13th – 14th
December 4th - 5th
December 4th – 5th
August 15th – 16th
April 4th – 5th
November 28th
August 29th –30th
April 12th – 13th
Every ten years ('97, '07 and '17), the BSSC sets design maps rules to support USGS in developing the next generation of hazard maps.The Project 17 Committee (P17C), through the efforts of five work groups that address acceptable risk, precision and uncertainty, multi-period spectra, deterministic caps, and Seismic design Categories will develop proposals on the rules as a Provisions Update Committee (PUC) IT (Issue Team).
Name | Organization | Role |
Hamburger, Ron | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger | Chair |
Abrahamson, Norm | University of California Berkeley | Project 17 Committee |
Bonneville, David | Degenkolb Engineers | Project 17 Committee |
Crouse, C.B. | AECOM | Project 17 Committee |
Dolan, Dan | Washington State University | Project 17 Committee |
Furr, Julie | Chad Stewart & Associates | Project 17 Committee |
Harris, Jim | James Harris & Associates | Project 17 Committee |
Heintz, John | Applied Technology Council | Project 17 Committee |
Holmes, William | Rutherford & Chekene | Project 17 Committee |
Hooper, John | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Project 17 Committee |
Holmes, William | Rutherford & Chekene | Project 17 Committee |
Hooper, John | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Project 17 Committee |
Kircher, Charles | Charles Kircher & Associates | Project 17 Committee |
Pekelnicky, Robert | Degenkolb Engineerss | Project 17 Committee |
Siu, John | City of Seattle, Washington | Project 17 Committee |
Stewart, Jonathan | University of California Los Angeles | Project 17 Committee |
Luco, Nico | U.S. Geological Survey | USGS Liaison |
Rezaeian, Sanaz | U.S. Geological Survey | USGS Liaison |
Sattar, Siamak | National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST Liaison |
Tong, Mai | FEMA | FEMA/NIBS |
Hanson, Robert | University of Michigan | FEMA/NIBS |
Yuan, Jiqiu (JQ) | NIBS | FEMA/NIBS |
Goupil, Jennifer (Chair) | ASCE | Advisory Committee |
Caldwell, Philip | Schneider Electric | Advisory Committee |
Egan, John | SAGE Engineers | Advisory Committee |
Ehrlich, Gary | NAHB | Advisory Committee |
Moore, Kevin | SGH | Advisory Committee |
Mota, Mike | CRSI | Advisory Committee |
Rodiguez–Merak, Adrian | ASCE Geo–Technical Institute | Advisory Committee |
Soules, Greg | CBI | Advisory Committee |
Zafir, Zia | Kleinfelder | Advisory Committee |
Name | organization |
Robert Pekelnicky, Chair | Degenkolb Engineers |
Ibbi Amufti | ARUP |
Jack Baker | Stanford University |
C.B. Crouse | AECOM |
John Heintz | Applied Technology Council |
William Holmes | Rutherford & Chekene |
John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates |
Charles Kircher | Charles Kircher & Associates |
Nico Luco | U.S. Geological Survey |
Siamak Sattar | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Jonathan Stewart | University of California Los Angeles |
Name | Organization |
Charles Kircher, Chair | Charles Kircher & Associates |
David Bonneville | Degenkolb Engineers |
C.B. Crouse | AECOM |
John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates |
Nico Luco | U.S. Geological Survey |
Sanaz Rezaeian | U.S. Geological Survey |
Jonathan Stewart | University of California Los Angeles |
Name | Organization |
C.B. Crouse, Chair | AECOM |
Ned Field | U.S. Geological Survey |
John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates |
Charles Kircher | Charles Kircher & Associates |
Nico Luco | U.S. Geological Survey |
Sanaz Rezaeian | U.S. Geological Survey |
Jonathan Stewart | University of California Los Angeles |
Name | Organization |
Dan Dolan, Chair | Washington State University |
Ben Enfield | City of Seattle Building Department |
John Heintz | ATC |
Nico Luco | USGS |
Bob Pekelnicky | Degenklob |
Name | organization |
Julie Furr, Chair | Chad Stewart & Associates |
Bob Pekelnicky | Degenkolb Engineers |
Jim Harris | James Harris & Associates |
Bill Holmes | Rutherford & Chekene |
Jon Siu | City of Seattle, Washington |
Dan Dolan | Washington State University |
John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates |
Paul Timko | (Little Rock, AR72201) |
Work Scope
The IT1 main scope will be to evaluate the adequacy of the qualitative performance objectives in Section 1.1 of the provisions (not in currently ASCE-7) and determine if they are sufficient for the design of buildings and other structures. Moreover, the IT 1 will look at ASCE-7 Chapter 1 that is not currently in the Provision, and Provision Commentary Chapter 11, 12, 13, and 15 that are currently not in ASCE-7. Since there is a Project 17 task committee looking at the acceptable risk with regard to safety based on collapse of the structure, this issue team will focus on topics such as nonstructural performance, loss of function and potentially the level of damage. The committee will review the Resource Paper on future directions in performance based design from the 2015 Provisions and other applicable research projects related to performance-based design (ATC 58-2, ATC-84, ATC etc.). Other potential topics: non-structural performance, loss of function and potentially the level of damage, and the ATC 120 study funded by NIST. IT1 may look at R factor.
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Robert Pekelnicky | Degenkolb Engineers | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Ibbi Amufti | Arup | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | David Bonneville | Degenkolb Engineers | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Julie Furr | Chad Stewart & Associates | Lakeland, TN |
Voting Member | Ron Hamburger | SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Jim Harris | James Harris & Associates | Denver, CA |
Voting Member | Jon Heintz | Applied Technology Council | Redwood City, CA |
Voting Member | John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Seattle, WA |
Voting Member | Steve McCabe | NIST | Gaithersburg, MD |
Voting Member | Maryann Phipps | Estructure | Oakland, CA |
Voting Member | John Silva | Hilti | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | J.G. (Greg) Soules | CB & I | |
USGS Liason | Nico Luco | USGS | Golden, CO |
Corresponding Member | Kevin Moore | SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Daniel Dolan | Washington State University | Pullman, WA |
Corresponding Member | David Bonowitz | David Bonowitz | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Terry Lundeen | COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Rob Smith | Arup | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Jack Baker | Stanford | Palo Alto, CA |
Corresponding Member | John Gillengerten | Self | |
Corresponding Member | Philip Line | American Wood Council | Leesburg, VA |
Work Scope
Consider adjustments to design coefficients and factors, including height limits, for seismic force resisting systems; the relationship between deflection amplification factor, response modification coefficient and drift limits; direction of loading requirements, including additional requirements for short period structures; and additional issues raised by or brought into the PUC. Coordinate with IT 1 on issues affecting Chapter 12, such as seismic design categories and multi-period spectra. The work product will be Part 1 proposals and Part 2 Commentary.
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Sandy Hohener | Degenkolb Engineers | Los Angeles, CA |
Voting Member | Kevin Moore | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Daniel Dolan | Washington State University | Pullman, WA |
Voting Member | Bret Lizundia | Rutherford & Chekene | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Edwin Huston | Smith & Huston | Seattle, WA |
Voting Member | Tom Xia | DCI Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Bonnie Manley | Steel Market Develop Insitute | Norfolk, MA |
Corresponding Member | Taka Tamiya | Degenkolb Engineers | Los Angeles, CA |
Corresponding Member | Dan Sloat | Degenkolb Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Richard Bennett | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN |
Corresponding Member | Greg Soules | ||
Corresponding Member | Hussain Bhatia | OSHPD | Sacramento, CA |
Corresponding Member | Robert Tremblay | Polytechnique | Montreal, Canada |
Work Scope
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Anindya Dutta | SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Jim Malley | Degenkolb | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Bob Hanson | Univ of Michigan | Dublin, Ohio |
Voting Member | Jay Harris | NIST | Gaithersburg, MD |
Voting Member | Rafael Sabelli | WALTER P MOORE | San Francisco, California |
Voting Member | Kevin Aswegan | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Seattle, Washington |
Corresponding Member | Jason Collins | PCS Structural Solutions | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Finley Charney | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, Virginia |
Corresponding Member | Rob Tovani | Computers and Structures, Inc. | Walnut Creek, CA |
Work Scope
The shear wall IT will consider the effects of external loads (gravity as well as lateral) on shear walls of concrete, steel, masonry, and wood. It will next consider the possible failure modes resulting from those load effects or internal forces. This will lead to a determination of the failure modes that are critical in design, which in turn should lead to possible areas of improvement in current design practice. Two of those areas are anticipated to be the following:
Coupled shear wall systems are recognized as distinct from isolated shear wall systems in Canadian and New Zealand codes; they are also accorded higher response modification factors in view of their superior seismic performance. The IT will examine whether ASCE 7 should go in the same direction. (suggested by PUC: different R factor for coupled and isolated,need definition of coupled shear wall, ACI 318 will develop the definition, new items in 12.1. Ron Hamburger suggested P 695 study).
Tall buildings in the 400-ft height range are increasingly being built in highly seismic areas, with seismic forces being resisted entirely by cores consisting of reinforced concrete shear walls. (suggested by PUC: cooperate with multi-period spectra team).
The shear design of these shear walls is absolutely crucial to the safety of these structures. However, we have at best an imperfect understanding of the maximum shear that can develop and how it is transferred at the base. It will be very beneficial for the IT to look into this design aspect.
The IT will develop Part 1 proposals and accompanying Part 2 commentary dealing with any topic on which the IT is able to progress to that point. All other findings of the IT and work leading to those findings will be recorded in a Part 3 Resource Paper.
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | S.K. Ghosh | S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc. | Palatine, IL |
Voting Member | Jason Collins | PCS Structural Solutions | Seattle, Tacome, WA |
Voting Member | David Fields | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Seattle, WA |
Voting Member | Kelly Cobeen | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. | Emeryville, CA |
Voting Member | Dick Bennett | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN |
Voting Member | Gino Kurama | University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame, IN |
Voting Member | Andy Taylor | KPFF Consulting Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Voting Member | Michel Bruneau | University of Buffalo | Buffalo, NY |
Corresponding Member | Rafael Sabelli | Walter P. Moore | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | John Wallace | University of California | Los Angeles, CA |
Corresponding Member | Daniel Borello | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR |
Corresponding Member | Bonnie Manley | American Iron and Steel Institute | Norfolk, MA |
Corresponding Member | Joe Maffei | Maffei Structural Engineering | Oakland, San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Tom Xia | DCI Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Dan Dolan | Washington State University | Pullman, WA |
Corresponding Member | John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Laura Lowes | University of Washington | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Jose Restrepo | University of California, San Diego | La Jolla, CA |
Corresponding Member | Andrew Whittaker | University of Buffalo | Buffalo, NY |
Corresponding Member | Siamak Sattar | NIST | Gaithersburg, MD |
Corresponding Member | Dawn Lehman | University of Washington | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Philip Line | American Wood Council | Leesburg, VA |
Corresponding Member | Jack Moehle | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA |
Corresponding Member | Lawrence C. Novak | Portland Cement Association | Skokie, IL |
Corresponding Member | Joe Ferzli | Cary Kopczynski & Company | Bellevue, WA |
Corresponding Member | Jeff Berman | The University of Washington | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Larry A. Fahnestock | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Urbana, IL |
Corresponding Member | Amit H. Varma | Purdue University | West Lafayette, IN |
Work Scope
During the development of the 2015 NEHRP Provisions, there was extensive discussion on establishing performance objectives for nonstructural components. In addition, specific issues have been identified that significantly influence the performance of nonstructural components, but are not adequately covered in the current Provisions. With the exception of a review of Rp factors, all of the nonstructural items listed in the 2015 NEHRP Issues were research needs. NIST is supporting the ATC-120 project that directly addresses a substantial number of the research needs, including the force equations and performance objectives for nonstructural components.
Two of the areas of investigation in the second phase of ATC-120 are a detailed evaluation of the nonstructural design provisions, and development of performance objectives for nonstructural components. The detailed evaluation will include development of a design philosophy for nonstructural components that identifies desirable post-yield and failure mechanisms for components, supports and attachments, and a method for producing generic floor spectra for design of nonstructural components.
IT5 will incorporate information from ATC-120 to develop proposals for updating the force equations and nonstructural anchorage to concrete and masonry provisions to reflect the most current research, and proposals to update the Rp factors. Depending on the outcome of the ATC-120 effort on nonstructural performance objectives, IT5 will produce either a proposal or white paper.
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | John Gillengerten | SE, Retired OSHPD | Hebron, KY |
Voting Member | Peter Carrato | Bechtel | Reston, VA |
Voting Member | Travis Chrupalo | Degenkolb | Oakland, CA |
Voting Member | Bill Holmes | R&C | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Bret Lizundia | R&C | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | John Silva | Hilti | San Rafael, CA |
Voting Member | Greg Soules | CB&I | Woodlands, TX |
Voting Member | Chris Tokas | OSHPD | Sacramento, CA |
Corresponding Member | Hussain Bhatia | OSHPD | Sacramento, CA |
Corresponding Member | Phil Caldwell | Schneider | |
Corresponding Member | Meaghan Halligan | ISAT | SF Bay Area |
Corresponding Member | Matthew Hoehler | NIST | Gaithersburg, MD |
Corresponding Member | Maryann Phipps | Estructure | Emeryville, CA |
Corresponding Member | Robert Simmons | Petra Seismic Design | Houston, TX |
Corresponding Member | Siavash Soroushian | Arup | San Francisco, CA |
Work Scope
To identify seismic design issues unique to non-building structures. Specific items currently identified for consideration include:
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Peter Carrato | Bechtel | Reston, VA |
Voting Member | Greg Soules | CB&I | Houston, TX |
Voting Member | Eric Wey | Fluor | Houston, TX |
Voting Member | Bill Scott | AISC Industrial building committee | Port Townsend, WA |
Corresponding Member | Harold Sprague | Parsons | Gladstone, MO |
Corresponding Member | John Rolfes | Computerized Structural Design | Milwaukee, WI |
Corresponding Member | Robert Simmons | Petra Seismic / ASHRAE | Houston, TX |
Corresponding Member | Rick Drake | Fluor | Aliso Viejo, CA |
Corresponding Member | John Silva | Hilti | San Francisco, CA |
Work Scope
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Stephen Harris | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. | San Francisco |
Voting Member | C.B. Crouse | AECOM | Seattle |
Voting Member | Gyimah Kasali | Rutherford + Chekene | San Francisco |
Voting Member | Ian McFarlane | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Seattle |
Voting Member | Robert Pekelnicky | Degenkolb Engineers | San Francisco |
Voting Member | Jonathan Stewart | UCLA | Los Angeles |
Corresponding Member | Bruce Kutter | UC Davis | Davis |
Corresponding Member | Armin Masroor | Arup | San Francisco |
Work Scope
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Bret Lizundia | Rutherford + Chekene | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Michael Constantinou | SUNY - Buffalo | Buffalo, NY |
Voting Member | Andrew Whittaker | SUNY - Buffalo | Buffalo, NY |
Voting Member | Reid Zimmerman | KPFF Consulting Engineers | Portland, OR |
Voting Member | Steve Mahin | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA |
Voting Member | Robert Pekelnicky | Degenkolb Engineers | San Francisco, CA |
Voting Member | Andy Taylor | KPFF Consulting Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Armin Masroor | Arup | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Ron Mayes | SGH | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Victor Zayas | Earthquake Protection Systems | Mare Island, CA |
Corresponding Member | Anthony Giammona | Nabih Yousef Associates | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Keri Ryan | University of Nevado, Reno | Reno, NV |
Corresponding Member | Rob Smith | Arup | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Charlie Kircher | Kircher and Associates | Palo Alto, CA |
Work Scope
Role | Name | Organization | Location |
Chair | Kelly Cobeen | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. | Emeryville, CA |
Voting Member | John Lawson | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo, CA |
Voting Member | S.K. Ghosh | S. K. Ghosh Associates | Palatine, IL |
Voting Member | Ben Schafer (1) | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD |
Voting Member | Tom Sabol | Engelkirk & Sabol | Los Angeles, CA |
Voting Member | Ron La Plante | California Division of the State Arch | San Diego, CA |
(1) Ben Schafer is primary contact and voting member for steel industry research projects. Matt Eatherton or Jerome Hajjar may attend meetings in Ben's place. | |||
Corresponding Member | Andre Filiatrault | SUNY University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY |
Corresponding Member | Bill Holmes | Rutherford & Chekene | Oakland, CA |
Corresponding Member | Bonnie Manley | AISI | Norfolk, MA |
Corresponding Member | Christopher Gill | Hilti North America | Plano, TX |
Corresponding Member | Dan Dolan | Washington State Universtiy | Pullman, WA |
Corresponding Member | Dave Golden | ASC Steel Deck Div. of ASC Profiles | Sacramento, CA |
Corresponding Member | Jerome (Jerry) Hajjar | Northeastern University | Boston, MA |
Corresponding Member | Maria Koliiou | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO |
Corresponding Member | Matt Eatherton | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, VA |
Corresponding Member | Patrick Bodwell | Vulcraft/ Verco Group | Sacramento, CA |
Corresponding Member | Phil Line | American Wood Council | Leesburg, VA |
Corresponding Member | Pouria Bahmani | KPFF Consulting Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Rafael Sabelli | Walter P. Moore | San Francisco, CA |
Corresponding Member | Robert Tremblay | Polytechnique Montreal | Montreal, Canada |
Corresponding Member | Steve Hobbs | Vulcraft | Tremonton, UT |
Corresponding Member | Tom Xia | DCI Engineers | Seattle, WA |
Corresponding Member | Walt Schultz | Nucor | |
Corresponding Member | Andrew Shuck | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. | Emeryville, CA |
Role | Name | Organization |
Chair | CB Crouse | AECOM |
Voting Member | Ron Hamburger | Simpson Gumpertz & Heger |
Voting Member | Jim Harris | James Harris & Associates |
Voting Member | William Holmes | Rutherford & Chekene |
Voting Member | John Hooper | Magnusson Klemencic Associates |
Voting Member | Charlie Kircher | Charles Kircher & Associates |
Voting Member | Nico Luco | U.S. Geological Survey |
Voting Member | Sanaz Razaeian | U.S. Geological Survey |
Voting Member | Jonathan Stewart | University of California Los Angeles |
The role of this nation's model building codes and standards is critical to seismic design and mitigation. Any action that furthers the effectiveness of these codes and how they are used will significantly help meet the goal of reducing this nation's losses from natural disasters.
The BSSC Code Resource Support Committee (CRSC) monitors and contributes to the model codes and standards development process particularly, for the International Building Code (IBC), the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC) to ensure that they remain substantially equivalent to the latest edition of the NEHRP Recommended Provisions as defined by the ICSSC under Executive Order 13747 as well as other FEMA earthquake design guidance publications for new and existing buildings.
The CRSC develops and submits code change proposals that further support the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions in other relevant standards publications. The CRSC works with the representative organizations such as ACSE, IBHS, NAHB, and SEAOC to identify and address these issues.
The CRSC also supports related activities such as outreach and education materials to ensure that seismic hazards continue to be addressed.
Name | Organization | Role |
Winkel, Steven | StevenWinkel | Chair |
Bachman, Robert | RE Bachman Consulting Engineers | Member |
Bonowitz, David | DavidBonowitz | Member |
Cobeen, Kelly | Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) | Member |
Dolan, J. Daniel | Washington State University | Member |
Dowty, Susan | S.K. Ghosh Associates | Member |
Ehrlich, Gary | National Association of Home Builders | Member |
Gillengerten, John | John Gillengerten | Member |
Haviland, Perry | American Institute of Architects | Member |
Hooper, John | Magnusson Klemencic Associates | Member |
Moore, Kevin | National Council of Structural Engineers Associations | Member |
Paullus, Robert | Paullus Structural Consultants | Member |
Pekelnicky, Robert | Degenkolb Engineers | Member |
Siu, Jonathan | City of Seattle, Washington | Member |
Xia, Tom | Structural Engineers Association of Washington | Member |
Carr, Alan | International Code Council, Inc. | Advisory Member |
Ghosh, S.K. | S.K. Ghosh Associates | Advisory Member |
Goupil, Jennifer | American Society of Civil Engineers | Advisory Member |
Line, Philip | American Wood Council | Advisory Member |
Manley, Bonnie | American Iron and Steel Institute | Advisory Member |
The Member Organizations (MOs) of the National Institute of Building Sciences Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) support the development of the 2020 NEHRP Recommended Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, which is intended for adoption into ASCE/SEI 7–22 and IBC 2024. The MOs will participate in the Provisions development process by balloting change proposals that are passed in Provisions Update Committee (PUC) ballots and approved by the BSSC Board of Direction.
Organization | Representative |
American Concrete Institute | Khaled Nahlawi |
American Institute of Architects | Perry Haviland |
American Institute of Steel Construction | Larry Kruth |
American Iron and Steel Institute | Bonnie Manley |
American Society of Civil Engineers | Jennifer Goupil |
American Wood Council | Bradford Douglas |
The Engineered Wood Association | Thomas Skaggs |
Applied Technology Council | Jim Cagley |
ASHRAE | Robert Simmons |
Building Owners and Managers Association | John Catlett |
California Department of General Services | Diane Gould |
Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada | Kurt Siggard |
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute | Danielle Kleinhans |
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute | David Fanella |
Department of Veterans Affairs | Juan Archilla |
General Services Administration | William Earl |
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety | Anne Cope |
International Code Council | Mike Pfeiffer |
Metal Building Manufacturers Association | Lee Shoemaker |
National Association of Homebuilders | Gary Ehrlich |
Organization | Representative |
National Concrete Masonry Association | Jason Thompson |
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations | Kevin Moore |
Portland Cement Association | Paul Tennis |
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute | Roger Becker |
Rack Manufacturers Institute | Victor Azzi |
Steel Deck Institute | Robert Paul |
Structural Engineer Association of Washington | Patrick Lindblom |
Structural Engineers Association of California | Don Schinske |
Structural Engineers Association of Central California | David Palmer |
Structural Engineers Association of Colorado | Rob Jackson |
Structural Engineers Association of Illinois | Jon Sfura |
Structural Engineers Association of Kansas & Missouri | F. Alan Wiley |
Structural Engineers Association of Northern California | Ken Miles |
Structural Engineers Association of Oregon | Reid Zimmerman |
Structural Engineers Association of San Diego | Heather Caya |
Structural Engineers Association of Southern California | Dianne Ochoa |
Structural Engineers Association of Utah | Philip Miller |
Steel Joist Institute | Kenneth Charles |
The Masonry Society | Philip Samblanet |