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BETEC and BECs Spring Meeting: Takin’ Care of Business

Apr 29, 2021   |   12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
Virtual Meeting

The Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) is charged with encouraging optimum energy use of buildings through a better understanding of how overall, complex building components interact with each other and the environment.

BETEC members work together to share knowledge of existing and new technologies and practices, and to integrate technical programs on building safety, durability, resilience and occupant comfort with the thermal performance of building envelopes. The Building Enclosure Councils (BECs), a joint venture between the American Institute of Architects and NIBS under the aegis of BETEC, host some 4,000 members in 34 local chapters.


  1. Welcome and Introductions (Steve Shanks)
  2. Membership Update (Jennifer Hitzke)
  3. BETEC Basics (Steve Shanks)
  4. Committee/Project Touch Bases
    • AIA-BETEC Liaison Report (Cheryl Smith):
    • BEC-National (Will Babbington)
    • WBDG / BEDG (Dave Herron and Stephanie Stubbs):
    • Project Report: Building Envelope Commissioning (BECx) Training Program (SS)
    • Toward BEST6
  5. What Should BETEC Look Like Moving Forward? (Steve Shanks)
    Committees structures and champions: Codes and Standards? Education?
    Broadening our member base – Could BETEC Be the Building Enclosure World’s Mini-UN?
  6. New Business
  7. Next Steps


1:05 – 2:30 PM BECS BASICS

1. Welcome and Introductions (Will Babbington)

2. BEC Basics

3. Current structure (N-BECS working with the locals)

4. The BECs Report

5. New Business

6. Next Steps

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Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council