An Engineer's Perspective: Shaping Resilient Systems Through Policy and Practice
The Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie) specification provides a standard organization of data used to manage and maintain facility assets. It is a combined set of all space, product, and equipment schedules found on associated design drawings as well as a compilation of as-built, operations & maintenance (O&M), and commissioning information captured during construction.
The COBie specification provides a standardized method for project teams to deliver the data necessary to maintain a facility in a digital format. This allows the facility owner the ability to populate their facility maintenance system quickly and accurately with the data needed. COBie can be used whenever a handover occurs, including:
COBie is not limited to buildings. It can be used to quickly deliver data related to maintainable assets on infrastructure projects that may not include buildings. Though not optimized for infrastructure projects, COBie can certainly be adapted to work on those types of projects, especially small to medium-sized ones.
Its purpose is to assist project teams with capturing and delivering data related to the maintainable assets of a facility in a digital format, with the goal of reducing or even eliminating the delay between handover (after design and construction) and when the facilities management system can begin the operations and maintenance of those maintainable assets.
COBie is successful when all project stakeholders are involved. These include the architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers, tradespeople, commissioning agents, and the facility owner. Each has a role in providing – in the COBie standardized digital format – information related to the maintainable assets of that facility during the project. This data is delivered at specified milestones in the project, culminating in a full delivery at project handover.
COBie has typically been used for building design and construction projects but can also be used for infrastructure projects or to transfer facility ownership from one party to another. Throughout this document, facility is used to include both building and infrastructure assets.
The primary audience of the COBie module is the owner and the project delivery team members for all projects that plan to implement BIM and have an asset data deliverable at handover. The standard and resources are developed to support various project types, from buildings to infrastructure.
The general process for generating a COBie deliverable is to specify what data is wanted, when it is wanted, and who will deliver and review it. A COBie deliverable may be generated for any phase of a construction project, but the specific tables and fields must be selected or specified to populate or update (see Structure section). Each table has required fields that may be prerequisites to using other tables. Most projects find success using COBie when it is addressed at the beginning of the project.
One COBie file shall be provided for each facility. If there are multiple facilities, then an additional COBie file, identifying the assets for the site, shall also be provided.
This module includes the following items:
The owner can leverage this module to ensure they receive valuable data about their maintainable assets at project handover. This data is critical in being able to manage a facility or infrastructure at the completion of design and construction.
The Planning Committee of the National BIM Standard formed a workgroup charged with updating the current COBie V2.4 standard to COBie V3. This workgroup included industry representatives from across multiple sectors with a variety of professional experience with COBie and BIM. The workgroup gathered and reviewed over 100 change requests to the current COBie standard, discussing and evaluating each one over many group meetings spanning almost five years. The COBie Workgroup established the following goals to help gauge each request:
Based on these criteria, the group identified, fine-tuned, and then implemented almost 60 of the change requests to develop V3 of the COBie Standard.
The National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie) is a data format and process standard. Its purpose is to assist project teams with capturing and delivering data related to the maintainable assets of a facility in a digital format, with the goal of reducing or even eliminating the delay between handover (after design and construction) and when the facilities management system can begin the operations and maintenance of those maintainable assets.
The maintainable assets of a facility for COBie are those items that the owner of a facility will manage in an Operations & Maintenance system. They can include mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and other items that require maintenance, upkeep, and replacement.
COBie was first published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2007 with support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) has curated and maintained COBie since 2013 under a Creative Commons License.
COBie version 2.4 was adopted as part of the U.S. National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) V3 in 2015.
COBie version 3 is the latest version and will become a part of NBIMS-US™ V4 in 2023.
COBie is successful when all project stakeholders are involved. These include the architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers, tradespeople, commissioning agents, and the facility owner. Each has a role in providing – in the COBie standardized digital format – information related to the maintainable assets of that facility during the project. This data is delivered at specified milestones in the project, culminating in a full delivery at project handover.
COBie has typically been used for building design and construction projects but can also be used for infrastructure projects or to transfer facility ownership from one party to another. Throughout this document, facility is used to include both building and infrastructure assets.
The COBie format is a subset of the contents of a Building Information Model (BIM). It is non-graphic data defined as a Model View Definition (MVD) of the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) schema. It can also be represented in a spreadsheet format.
The structure of the tables that make up COBie includes hierarchies based on the data types:
Each data table includes a standardized set of data fields, and each field is designated as either always required, required if stated in the contract, or a reference to another field in the database. The COBie standard allows asset owners to define the specific fields they want in their data delivery. In fact, it provides the best results for asset owners when they specify what they require to be delivered.
V3 of the COBie standard incorporates 58 different updates grouped into four categories.
This document is copyright-protected by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). While the reproduction of working drafts or committee drafts in any form for use by participants in the NBIMS-US™ standards development process is permitted without prior permission from NIBS, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from NIBS. For more information, visit the NIBS website at
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and the FM Handover Model View Definition (MVD) are both open standards protected under a “creative commons” license as buildingSMART International (bSI) intellectual property. For more information, please see the bSI website at
The Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie) specification provides a standard organization of data used to manage and maintain facility assets. It is a combined set of all space, product, and equipment schedules found on associated design drawings as well as a compilation of as-built, operations & maintenance (O&M), and commissioning information captured during construction.
The COBie specification provides a standardized method for project teams to deliver the data necessary to maintain a facility in a digital format. This allows the facility owner the ability to populate their facility maintenance system quickly and accurately with the data needed. COBie can be used whenever a handover occurs, including:
COBie is not limited to buildings. It can be used to quickly deliver data related to maintainable assets on infrastructure projects that may not include buildings. Though not optimized for infrastructure projects, COBie can certainly be adapted to work on those types of projects, especially small to medium-sized ones.
The COBie specification was initially published for NBIMS-US™ V2 (National BIM Standard-United States®) and was defined as a Model View Definition (MVD) of IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). The release of NBIMS-US V3 in 2015 included the most current version of the COBie specification, V2.4. Since that time, the COBie Work Group at NIBS has been working on updating COBie to better align with the evolution of BIM in the US. This work has culminated in a new V3 to be released in 2023 and as part of NBIMS-US V4.
This document details the latest version of COBie, Version 3. It includes information related to:
This document is copyright-protected by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). While the reproduction of working drafts or committee drafts in any form for use by participants in the NBIMS-US™ standards development process is permitted without prior permission from NIBS, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from NIBS.
buildingSMART International (bSI)
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and the FM Handover Model View Definition (MVD) are both open standards protected under a “creative commons” license as bSI intellectual property. For more information, please see the bSI website:
The trademark OMNICLASS(R) and the copyrighted OmniClass work are used under license from the Construction Specification Institute, Inc.
The following terms are used throughout this document. Footnotes refer to links with additional information in the Appendix A: Resources section.
COBie | Construction to Operations Building Information Exchange | The digital standard defined in this document. |
NIBS | National Institute of Building Sciences | A not-for-profit, non-government organization committed to supporting advances in building science and technology.1 NIBS is the author of this document. |
NBIMS-US™ | National BIM Standard-United States® | The National BIM Standard-United States® is a document developed and maintained by NIBS.2 The COBie standard is part of NBIMS-US™. |
IFC | Industry Foundation Classes | An ISO standard (ISO 16739-1:2018) digital description of the built asset industry. |
ifcXML | XML Schema Definition for IFC | An XML schema for IFC Step files based on STEP XML transformation rules |
IDS | Information Delivery Specification | A document that defines the exchange requirements of digital models, which includes how the objects in the model, their properties, their classifications, their values, and their units should be exchanged. |
MVD | Model View Definition | A subset of the overall IFC schema used to describe a data exchange for a specific use or workflow.3 The COBie standard is considered an MVD of IFC. |
FM | Facilities Management | The maintenance and management of an organization’s buildings and equipment. |
O&M | Operations & Maintenance | The tasks, responsibilities, and effort associated with ongoing facilities management. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | Open standard data file and exchange format based on attribute-value pairs and arrays in human-readable text. |
GUID | Global Unique Identifier | A 128-bit text string in hexadecimal format used to represent identification of a digital element. |
Asset | Maintainable assets of a facility for COBie are those items that the owner of a facility will manage in an Operations & Maintenance system. | Maintainable assets can include mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and other items that require maintenance, upkeep, and replacement. |
Component | The individual instances of the products and equipment defined in the Type data table. | Components can be part of other components, building an assembly. |
Entity | Class of information defined by common attributes and constraints as defined in ISO-10303-11. | Like the term “class” in common programming languages, but describing data structures only (not behavior, such as methods). |
Element | A major component, assembly, or construction entity part which, in itself or in combination with others fulfills a predominating function of a construction entity. | See IFC and MVD use of the term. |
Attribute | A single unit of data that in a certain context is considered indivisible. | Source: ISO/TS 21089:2018(en), 3.44, modified from term 'data attribute' to 'attribute'. |
Instance | Occurrence of an entity. | Like the term “instance of a class” in object-oriented programming. |
Object Types | Common characteristics shared by multiple object occurrences. | Like “class”, “template”, and “type” in other publications. |
External Reference | Link to information outside the data set, with direct relevance to the specific information. | The link originates from outside of the data set. |
Data Table or Table | Table of digital information | Tables include rows of data (records) and columns of data headers. COBie is comprised of 19 data tables. |
Data Field or Field | A single field of digital information | COBie is comprised of 144 data fields. |
Data Record or Record | A line of related data in a table | Each data table includes rows of data, known as records, representing the assets defined in COBie. |
Data Value or Value | The data in a data field | COBie requires all data fields to have some value and not be left blank, even if that value is “n/a” (not applicable). |
2006 | The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL), within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and under the lead of Bill East, began a project to create an open standard for the delivery of construction handover information. It was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), under the lead of William Brodt, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. |
2007 | The Construction to Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) V1.0 specification was published. |
2008-2014 | 13 COBie Challenge and Case Study events were held, which showcased how different software vendors were able to comply with COBie. |
2012 | COBie V2.26 was published as part of the National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) V2 developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). This version of COBie included a Model View Definition (MVD) based on IFC 2x3. |
2015 | COBie V2.4 was published as part of NBIMS-US™ V3 and was updated to comply with IFC 4. |
2015-2022 | COBie V3.0 was under development at NIBS by the COBie Workgroup, a group of volunteers with extensive industry experience with COBie. |
2023 | COBie V3.0 was published as part of NIBS NBIMS-US™ V4 and contained many user-requested improvements. |
This section outlines the recommended process for generating and submitting a COBie standard deliverable during a project.
The general process for generating a COBie deliverable is to specify what data is wanted, when it is wanted, and who will deliver and review it. A COBie deliverable may be generated for any phase of a construction project, but the specific tables and fields must be selected or specified to populate or update (see Structure section). Each table has required fields that may be prerequisites to using other tables. Most projects find success using COBie when it is addressed at the beginning of the project.
One COBie file shall be provided for each facility. If there are multiple facilities, then an additional COBie file identifying the assets for the site shall also be provided.
In design and construction projects, the ultimate purpose of COBie is to deliver information about assets in a facility to the next owner/manager at the end of a phase in the project lifecycle. Typically, this is the owner at the end of construction, but it can also be applied to intermediate handovers between consultants during the design and construction process. These handovers may not include all the information ultimately required, but they can still provide valuable pieces of that information to assist other consultants (for example, from the design architect to the construction contractor at the end of design). Interim deliverables are sometimes called “data drops” and are also valuable to allow the project team to build up the process and information ultimately needed by the end of the phase to help ensure that the final handover is successful and includes the content required. Even though interim requirements are not required for all projects utilizing COBie, they are strongly recommended, especially for larger projects. Common milestones where it would be beneficial to include a data drop are end of conceptual design, end of design development, end of construction documentation, and at fixed intervals during the “in-use” phase of a facility.
The minimum requirement for a COBie deliverable is to populate the required fields in the required tables. Any additional tables and fields must be specified that are required by the person or company who will provide the COBie deliverable. Also specify who will manage and transfer COBie deliverables at each phase to ensure proper coordination between phases. What tables and fields to select depends on the desired use of the COBie deliverable for each phase, but it is recommended to start with the end in mind.
COBie has required field statuses for most tables and some fields are prerequisite to using subsequent tables. The reference and if-specified field statuses are prescriptive once the required fields are completed for each table. A list of required, reference, and if-specified field statuses are in the Structure section. When selecting tables and fields to use for a project, specify how much information is necessary for each type of equipment, because it may not be useful to collect COBie data for all equipment in the built environment. For example, it may not be useful to spend the effort collecting the serial number for every light fixture if the policy is to replace it with a similar type when it is unrepairable. However, it may be necessary to collect the serial number for equipment with long warranty durations to assist with filing a possible future claim.
The scope of a construction project can be small, such as changing a filter in a building, or enormous, such as constructing a twelve-mile-long subway. Construction projects are temporary endeavors that take place over time and are composed of phases. The Construction Specification Institute (CSI) recommends nine (9) phases and defines them in OmniClass Table 31 (dated 30th October 2012 and found at CSI lists the phases in order of a traditional construction project life cycle; however, work activities may occur in more than one phase simultaneously. For example, the Design Phase may be revisited to modify construction drawings due to unforeseen conditions while the remaining work continues in the Implementation Phase. In this example, an update may be required from the people responsible for the Design Phase and the people responsible for the Implementation Phase.
The table below indicates which COBie tables will likely be updated at each phase of construction and the following is a guide to help select which fields to update at each phase.
Construction Project Phases | ||||||||||
Table Groups | Tables | Inception Phase |
Conceptualization Phase |
Criteria Definition Phase |
Design Phase |
Coordination Phase |
Implementation Phase |
Handover Phase |
Operations Phase |
Closure Phase |
General | Company | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o |
Space | Facility | o | o | o | o | |||||
Level | o | o | o | o | ||||||
SpaceType | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Space | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Zone | o | o | o | |||||||
Product | Type | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Component | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||||
System | o | o | o | |||||||
Operational | Resource | o | o | o | ||||||
Job | o | o | o | |||||||
Event | o | o | o | |||||||
Package | o | o | o | |||||||
Supplementary | Risk | o | o | o | ||||||
Document | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Attribute | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Coordinate | o | o | o | o | o |
Inception Phase
During the inception phase, the Company and Document tables may need updating. The Company table requires information in the Name, Company, and Phone fields, and the Document Table requires information in the name and path fields. Prescribe which of the remaining fields to update for the deliverable within the inception phase. For example, prescribe that the engineering firm develop a project charter and additionally complete the COBie.Document.Table field and COBie.Document.TableName field to capture them as the creators of the document. In this scenario, COBie.Document.Name field is the project charter’s title, COBie.Document.Path field is the relative path to document from the COBie file location, COBie.Document.Table field is the Company table, and COBie.Document.TableName field is the engineering firm’s name. Also indicate who will review the COBie deliverable for the Inception Phase, such as the owner or internal staff, and who will assume responsibility of the COBie data after approval.
Conceptualization Phase
The Company, Facility, Level, SpaceType, and Document tables may need updating during this phase. It is recommended to consult with staff when determining what fields to prescribe, because it may be necessary to provide more guidance to the person who will perform the updates. For example, the space manager may require the COBie.Space.RoomTag field to follow a naming convention, or the COBie.Space.NetArea field to conform to a specific measurement standard, such as from the Building Owners and Manager Association (BOMA) International. These unique requirements are not part of the COBie Standard, they will need to be specified. Indicate who will review the COBie Deliverable and who will assume responsibility for the COBie data after approval.
Criteria Definition Phase
The Company, Facility, Level, SpaceType, Space, Zone, Type, and Document tables may need updating during the Criteria Definition Phase. It is recommended to consult with staff when determining what fields to prescribe and check for any additional requirements when capturing COBie data. For example, the facility manager may only need COBie data for a few assets, such as HVAC units, power transformers, water pumps, etc., and may want the COBie.Type.WarrantyDescription field for all of them.
Design Phase
In addition to the tables indicated in the Criteria Definition Phase, the Component, System, Attribute, and Coordinate Tables may need updating during the Design Phase. Consider what values to update in the Attribute table for each asset.
Coordination Phase
Many pre-construction efforts occur during the Coordination Phase, such as the submission of safety plans, shop drawings, product data, etc. The designer or owner typically evaluates, coordinates, and approves the submissions which could provide more detailed information about the built environment before implementation. For example, identifying additional equipment implicit to the design. Specify a COBie deliverable that captures this information during the Coordination Phase, and the tables that may need updating are Type, Component, System, Document, Attribute, Coordinate, and Risk.
Implementation Phase
More detailed information will become available during the Implementation phase when the constructor installs equipment, such as the equipment serial number, installation date, and precise location. There may also be product submissions received for review and approval during this phase. As such, the tables Type, Component, Document, and Coordinate may need updating.
Handover Phase
The Operations Phase typically consists of small projects, such as replacing or repairing equipment, that result in updating the Type and Component tables. Consequently, maintenance activities and new risks associated with the equipment replaced or repaired may need to be updated in the Resource, Job, Event, Package, and Risk tables.
Operations Phase
The Operations Phase typically consists of small projects, such as replacing or repairing equipment, that result in updating the Type and Component tables. Consequently, maintenance activities and new risks associated with the equipment replaced or repaired may need to be updated in the Resource, Job, Event, Package, and Risk tables.
Closure Phase
Demolishing a building in whole or in part may result in updating essentially all tables, depending on the project’s scope. It is recommended that partial demolitions are diligently captured to ensure the COBie deliverable reflects the built environment for the next project.
The BIM Execution Plan for the project should specify which phases a COBie deliverable is wanted, and who will be responsible for updating each field within the deliverable. The National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) includes a section on BIM Execution Planning. For some larger, more complex projects, a COBie Execution Plan may be needed to define all the owner requirements for COBie deliverables, including the roles and responsibilities for data management.
Sub-phases/milestones may also be specified such as “Construction Documents - 2” or a number of days prior to substantial completion. For example, specifying that the designer is responsible for updating the name, type, and location of equipment during the Design Phase at CD-2, while the constructor is responsible for updating the manufacturer, model number, and serial number information during the Implementation Phase at 120 days prior to substantial completion. In this scenario, the constructor will use the COBie data created by the designer to develop the deliverable for the Implementation Phase. Therefore, also specify the transfer of responsibility of the COBie data from one person to another for each phase of the construction life cycle (primarily, what fields the person must keep up to date during the duration of their responsibility). Transfers of responsibility could be designer-to-owner, designer-to-constructor, owner-to-constructor, constructor-to-operator, operator-to-operator, owner-to-owner, owner-to-designer, etc. The transfers will vary depending on the category of projects such as new construction, renovations, operations and maintenance, or demolition. For example, a new construction project may generate COBie data for the first time, so the first transfer may be designer-to-constructor. For renovation projects, the owner may provide existing COBie data to the designer, which is owner-to-designer.
A BIM Execution Plan, or COBie Execution Plan, should designate who will review content in each COBie deliverable. For example, the facility manager could review fields related to equipment and ensure that they have sufficient data for operations and maintenance. The space manager could review space data and ensure it has the correct names, categories, zoning, etc. It is recommended to place more emphasis on reviewing the initial deliverables to clarify and express your expectations for the next deliverables.
Consider using tools to automate submittal reviews. These tools can be very useful in validating the proper formatting in a COBie deliverable and provide feedback to the authors. Several tools are freely available to check the structure of the COBie file or even to validate COBie data in BIM models before generating a COBie deliverable (either for structure or against project requirements).
This section details the structure for the COBie standard.
The COBie data schema is structured as a relational database made up of 19 data tables.
Key Values
As with all databases, each data table must have a unique key for each row of data in the table (record). For most of the data tables, that unique key is the first data column, “Name”. For some tables, it is not expected that the value for the “Name” data field be unique, so the value in that data field alone cannot be used for the unique key. For those tables, the key is a combination of the values of several data fields in the record (compound key). The compound key is a concatenation of the values separated by an underscore and could be a concatenation of two or three fields. This means the format of the unique key will always be one of the following:
For example, The COBie.Attribute table requires a compound key of three fields:
Format: Name_Table_Table.Name
Example: Fan Max Speed_Type_Boiler Type 1
The following shows the key values for each data table:
Data Table | Key Value Format | Key Value Example |
Company | Name | ABC_Corp |
Facility | Name | Building204 |
Level | Name | Level_1 |
SpaceType | Name | Office-Medium |
Space | Name | 1A01 |
Zone | Name | Administration |
Type | Name | BoilerType1 |
Component | Name | BLR1-6 |
System | Name | HVAC-01 |
Resource | Name | CleaningMaterials |
Job | Name_Table_Table.Name | BoilerType1LockOut_Type_BoilerType1 |
Event | Name_Job.Name | Lift_Inspection_2023_ Inspection_10-06-2023 |
Package | Name | WindowReplacement2023 |
Risk | Name | MissingData |
Document | Name_Table_Table.Name | ManufacturersEquipmentInformation-Boiler1_Type_BoilerType1 |
Attribute | Name_Table_Table.Name | Volts_Type_BoilerType1 |
Coordinate | Name_Table_Table.Name | Light_LC-1_box-upperright_Space_1A01 |
Often, the “Name” key value in a COBie deliverable is equivalent to the designation of that asset in the equipment schedules in the contract document set used for the facility, structure, or group of structures. But, when aggregating the data from these equipment schedules into a COBie deliverable, duplicate values could arise. For example, the pump schedule may have a P-1 designation for a pump, but the plumbing fixture schedule may have a P-1 designation for a water closet. These values will have to be modified or augmented to be COBie compliant (by concatenating other data onto the name/key values, such as the type of asset).
Data Fields
Each data table contains several data fields, and these data fields are pre-defined as part of the COBie standard. The “Data Fields” section provides the details on each of the data fields.
Reference Fields
Data fields can be related to other data fields in the database that exist in the same data table or other data tables.
For example, the value for the “Manufacturer” data field that is on the “Type” data table is a reference to the “Name” data field that is on the “Company” data table. This way, a change to that “Name” on the “Company” data table will propagate across to all other data tables referencing it.
Each data table and each data field include a status related to its requirement and there are eight available. When COBie is delivered in SpreadsheetML format (Microsoft Excel), each requirement has the option of also being color-coded for easy recognition.
Data tables and data fields that are always required with every COBie deliverable.
SpreadsheetML Color: #FFFF99
Required (Reference to Another Data Field)
Data fields that are required and whose value references a different data field, either in the same data table or a different data table (including the PickList data table). This status is not used for data tables, only data fields.
SpreadsheetML Color: #FFCC99
Only If Specified in the Contract
Data tables and data fields that are optional and only required if specified in the contract related to COBie deliverables.
SpreadsheetML Color: #CCFFCC
Only If Specified in the Contract (Reference to Another Data Field)
Data fields that are only required if specified in the contract and whose value references a different data field, either in the same data table or a different data table (including the PickList data table that has a status of "Only If Specified in the Contract"). This status is not used for data tables, only data fields.
SpreadsheetML Color: #CCFFFF
External Reference
Data fields whose values contain information that allows the data to be referenced back to the computer software that initially generated that information (Originating System). This status is not used for data tables, only data fields.
SpreadsheetML Color: #CC99FF
Secondary Information When Preparing Product Data
Data tables and data fields that are optional and only required if specified in the contract related to COBie deliverables, and that include secondary information not normally contained in a COBie deliverable.
SpreadsheetML Color: #C0C0C0
Regional, Owner, or Product-specific Data
Data tables and data fields that are required due to superseding regional, owner, or product-specific requirements.
SpreadsheetML Color: #99CCFF
Not Used
Data tables or data fields not used in the COBie deliverable.
SpreadsheetML Color: #000000
The data tables in COBie each serve a purpose and are organized in a hierarchy related to a facility, structure, or group of structures.
In the following descriptions, the primary Key Value (data field) for each data table is shown in bold, where applicable. This Key is always the “Name” data field and does not exist for the Instruction and PickList data tables.
Table 1: Instruction
Table 2: Company
Table 3: Facility
Table 4: Level
Table 5: SpaceType
Table 6: Space
Table 7: Zone
Table 8: Type
Table 9: Component
Table 10: System
Table 11: Resource
Table 12: Job
Table 13: Event
Table 14: Package
Table 15: Risk
Table 16: Document
Table 17: Attribute
Table 18: Coordinates
Table 19: PickList
Each data table contains several data fields, and these data fields are pre-defined as part of the COBie standard.
Data field names utilize the following naming conventions:
To better organize data fields on data tables, they are grouped together based on their purpose. There are six groupings:
The data fields on each data table are then sorted based on these groupings (in the order shown above). When more than one data field exists in a data table with the same grouping, then the data fields are sorted alphabetically. The only exception is the “Name” data field, as that is always the first data field on the data table.
Throughout this standard there are references to specific data fields on specific data tables. To make it easier to identify these, the following nomenclature is used: DataTable.DataField. Often, this nomenclature will be preceded with “COBie.” For example, the “Name” data field on the “Type” data table would be represented as:
Default Value
Data fields should not be left blank for a COBie deliverable. Instead, a value of “n/a” should be used (without the quotes) for text fields and “0” for real number fields.
Pre-Determined Values
Some data fields in COBie must be populated with values that are already determined. In other words, users must choose a value from a list and not type in their own value (or even an abbreviation of one of the pre-determined list of values). These lists of pre-determined values are known as PickLists and there is a data table in COBie to store them.
Some of these PickLists are constant for all COBie deliverables (such as COBie.Level.Category and COBie.Type.AssetType), while others will vary based on regional or owner preferences (such as using OmniClass Table 34 values for the COBie.Company.Category data field in the U.S. versus Uniclass Table Ro values for the same data field in the U.K.).
Custom Data Fields
It is not permitted to create custom data fields on data tables. Instead, utilize the COBie.Attributes data table to add additional data fields to your COBie deliverables.
The reason is because, as a standard schema, asset management systems can have pre-built data field mappings to allow for the import of data from a standard COBie deliverable without customization. If data fields are added to data tables, then asset management systems will not be able to recognize and import those data fields without first customizing the import tool.
Comma Separated Values
Some fields require a comma separated list of values. These include:
Data Types
Each data field can be of a certain type of data. Included in the following pages is an indicator on the type of data for that data field, using the following legend:
The following pages details each of the data fields that are part of the COBie standard. This information includes the name, description, examples, and details regarding the organization and status.
Title | The title of this deliverable standard, which is always COBie. | T | n/a | Required | COBie |
Version | The version of the COBie standard you are submitting. | T | n/a | Required | 3 |
Release | The release of the COBie version. | T | n/a | Required | 1 |
Status | The version IFC with which this COBie deliverable aligns. | T | n/a | Required | IFC4 |
Region | The language in which this COBie deliverable is written... Format is ISO 639-1 two letter language code. |
T | n/a | Required | en-US en-GB |
ExportDateTime | The date or date and time this COBie deliverable was generated. Format is ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD), with the exact time optional. |
D | n/a | Required | 2022-12-31 2022-12-31T13:00:00 |
Milestone | A description of the project milestone for which this COBie deliverable represents. | T | n/a | If Specified | 50% DD 90% CD Handover n/a |
OriginatingCompany | The name of the company that generated this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBie.Company.Name value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | ABC_Corp |
AreaUnit | The units for area measurements in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Area value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Square Feet Square Meters |
CurrencyUnit | The units for currency in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Currency value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Dollars Euros |
DurationUnit | The units for duration in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Duration value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Month Year |
LinearUnit | The units for linear measurements in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Linear value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Feet Meters |
VolumeUnit | The units for volume measurements in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Volume value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Cubic Feet Cubic Meters |
WeightUnit | The units for area measurements in this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBIe.PickList.Units.Weight value. | T | n/a | Required (Reference) | Pounds Kilograms |
AreaMeasurementStandard | The associated measurement method used to calculate spatial area measurements applied to all COBie information other than that found in the Attribute data table. | T | n/a | Required | BOMA 2017 for Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement (ANSI/BOMA Z65.1—2017) |
CoordinateSystemDescription | A narrative of how the digital models used to generate a COBie deliverable are situated in real-world space to aid in multi-model alignment. This may include reference to a specific state plane coordinate system, or to a survey pin located on the project site. |
T | n/a | Required | WGS 84 GRS80 |
CoordinateSystemOrigin | Typically defined by the project team and is often set at a specific location within the building or project site. The origin is usually chosen to align with a key reference point, such as a building corner, survey control point, or other significant feature. Sometimes, this can be defined with Northing, Easting, and elevation values. | T | n/a | Required | The furthest Southeast intersection of the column grid of Building 206 38°54'12.438"N, 77°2'1.0314"W |
ClassificationSystem.Company | The classification system used for the COBie.Company.Category data field. This data field aligns with the values held in the COBie.PickList.Company.Category data field. |
T | n/a | Required | OmniClass Table 34 Uniclass Table Ro |
ClassificationSystem.Facility | The classification system used for the COBie.Facility.Category data field. This data field aligns with the values held in the COBie.PickList.Facility.Category data field. |
T | n/a | Required | OmniClass Table 11 Uniclass Table En |
ClassificationSystem.SpaceType | The classification system used for the COBie.SpaceType.Category data field. This data field aligns with the values held in the COBie.PickList.SpaceType.Category data field. |
T | n/a | Required | OmniClass Table 13 Uniclass Table SL |
ClassificationSystem.Type | The classification system used for the COBie.Type.Category data field. This data field aligns with the values held in the COBie.PickList.Type.Category data field |
T | n/a | Required | OmniClass Table 23 Uniclass Table Pr |
ClassificationSystem.System | The classification system used for the COBie.System.Category data field. This data field aligns with the values held in the COBie.PickList.System.Category data field |
T | n/a | Required | OmniClass Table 21 Uniclass Table EF |
Name | The name of the Company. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | ABC_Corp xyzconstruction-com |
Phone | The telephone number for the Company. | T | Identification | Required | +1 (202) 289-7800 |
Category | The classification for the Company. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Company.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) |
34-10 11 Owner Ro_10_20_14 Client n/a |
Website | The website address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | n/a |
Street | The street address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | 1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 700 n/a |
PostalBox | The postal box address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | P.O. Box 1234 n/a |
Town | The city or town address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | Washington n/a |
StateRegion | The state or regional address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | DC n/a |
PostalCode | The zip, or postal code, address for the Company. | T | Location | If Specified | 20005 n/a |
Country | The country where the Company is located. | T | Location | If Specified | U.S.A. U.K. Germany n/a |
ExtIdentifier | The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID. |
T | External | External | 4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be |
ExtObject | The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given record of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given record of COBie data. | T | External | External | IfcSpace |
ExtSystem | The name of the computer system generating the record of COBie data. | T | External | External | Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64) ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005 |
Certifications | The assurance by an independent governing body that a building component, service, or system meets specific requirements. | T | Optional | If Specified | Licensed electrician Certified Lead Based Paint Abatement Company n/a |
Department | The name of the department for the Company. | T | Optional | If Specified | Design & Construction Operations n/a |
OrganizationCode | The organizational code for the Company. | T | Optional | If Specified | ABC XYZ n/a |
Name | The name of the Facility for this COBie deliverable. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Building204 American_Legion_Bridge_and_Facilities |
Description | A general text description of the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. | T | Identification | If Specified | Medical-Dental Clinic n/a |
Type | The type of facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Facility.Type data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) |
Facility Project Site |
Category | The classification for the Facility. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Facility.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | 11-27 25 19 Office-Retail Building En_20_15_10 Multiple occupation office n/a |
Address | The city or town address of the project in Facility. | T | Location | Required | 1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005 |
Latitude | The specific latitude for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. | T | Location | Required | 38°54'12.438"N |
Longitude | The specific longitude for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. | T | Location | Required | 77°2'1.0314"W |
Elevation | The specific elevation above sea level for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. | T | Location | Required | 2,432 |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem |
Name | The name of the Level. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Level_1 Mezzanine |
Description | A general text description of the Level. | T | Identification | If Specified | First floor n/a |
Category | The classification for the Level. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Level.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Roof Floor Site |
PartOf | A reference to another COBie.Level.Name item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a facility on a sloped grade that has a single “Level 1” floor per the signage, but that is separated within by a few steps, so the model has two different levels defined to manage the elements. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | Mezzanine n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Elevation | The elevation at the top of the level structure. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value is measured as a relative value compared to the facility’s datum. | R | Optional | If Specified | 12 150 0 |
Height | The distance between the top of level structure to bottom of structure above. This is typically applicable to records having the COBie.Level.Category data field value of “Floor”. |
R | Optional | If Specified | 96 150 0 |
Name | The name of the Space Type. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Office-Medium |
Description | A general text description of the Space Type. | T | Identification | If Specified | Office of 60SF - 99SF n/a |
Category | The classification for the Space Type. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.SpaceType.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | 13-55 11 Office Spaces SL_20_15_27 Enclosed offices n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem |
Name | The name of the Space. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma. This is often the room number in the construction documents. |
T | Identification | Required | 1A01 Room217 |
Description | A general text description of the Space. This is often the room name in the construction documents. |
T | Identification | Required | Office Communication Room |
RoomTag | The signage provided for each Space. Signage applied to doors, if different, is identified as Attribute records related to each applicable door. The information here is equivalent to that found in construction signage submittals. |
T | Identification | If Specified | 6-1A01 n/a |
SpaceType.Name | A reference to an item from the SpaceType data table (a COBie.SpaceType.Name value). | T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Office-Medium |
Level.Name | A reference to an item from the Level data table (a COBie.Level.Name value). | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Level_1 |
PartOf | A reference to another COBie.Space.Name item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a large open room that has cubicles within. Each cubicle space would be part of the large open space. |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | WorkArea500 n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
GrossArea | The total space area as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified COBie.Instruction.AreaMeasurementStandard value. | R | Optional | If Specified | 415 0 |
NetArea | The usable space area as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified COBie.Instruction.AreaMeasurementStandard value. | R | Optional | If Specified | 325 0 |
UsableHeight | Distance from top of finished level to bottom of ceiling. If there is no ceiling, then this value must match COBie.Level.Height. | R | Optional | If Specified | 120 0 |
Name | The name of the Zone. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Administration Circulation |
Description | A general text description of the Zone. | T | Identification | If Specified | Administration Department Circulation Area n/a |
Category | The classification for the Zone. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Zone.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | Circulation Zone Occupancy Zone n/a |
Space.Name |
A reference to an item from the Space data table (a COBie.Space.Name value). This is a comma separated list of values. |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | 1A01, 1A02, 1A03 2E16, 2E24 |
PartOf | A reference to another COBie.Zone.Name item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a large zone for the west wing of a facility could be divided up into smaller zones that are part of the west wing zone. |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | logistics n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem |
Name | The name of the asset Type. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | BoilerType1 Door_Type_A |
Description | A general text description of the asset Type. | T | Identification | Required | Induced Heat Draft, Natural Gas Fired, Copper Tube, Hot Water Boiler Single Panel Flush Solid Core Wood |
Category | The classification for the asset Type. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Type.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | 23-33 11 22 Electric Boilers Pr_60_60_08_27 Electric Boilers n/a |
AssetType | The type of asset. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Type.AssetType data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | Fixed Moveable n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Manufacturer | The name of the company that manufactures the asset. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.Company.Name data field. |
T | Required | If Specified (Reference) | ABC_Corp n/a |
ModelNumber | During the construction and handover phases, this is the manufacturer’s model number of the installed product. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Required | Required | CBN1435 M-Series |
WarrantyGuarantorParts | During the construction and handover phases, this is the name of the company that is responsible for replacement parts during the warranty period. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. This is a reference to an item from the Company data table (a COBie.Company.Name value). |
T | Required | If Specified (Reference) | ABC Corp. n/a |
WarrantyDurationParts | During the construction and handover phases, this is the length of the warranty period for replacement parts provided by the product manufacturer. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Required | Required | 3 36 |
WarrantyGuarantorLabor | During the construction and handover phases, this is the name of the company that is responsible for labor costs during the warranty period. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. This is a reference to an item from the Company data table (a COBie.Company.Name value). |
T | Required | If Specified (Reference) | ABC_Corp n/a |
WarrantyDurationLabor | During the construction and handover phases, this is the length of the warranty period for labor repairs provided by the product manufacturer. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Required | Required | 1 12 |
WarrantyDurationUnit | The unit of measure associated with values found in COBie.Type.WarrantyDurationParts and COBie.Type.WarrantyDurationLabor. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are “Month” and “Year”. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Units.Duration data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Month Year |
ModelReference | During the construction and handover phases, this is the manufacturer’s catalog or reference resource, such as a website, where information about the installed asset may be found. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Optional | If Specified | 8200HI n/a |
NominalHeight | An approximate measure based on the bounding box of the asset before it is modified to fit into the space. Height is measured vertically from the bottom up. |
R | Optional | If Specified | 96 0 |
NominalLength | An approximate measure based on the bounding box of the asset before it is modified to fit into the space. Length is measured horizontally and is typically the longer of the two values (length and width). |
R | Optional | If Specified | 72 0 |
NominalWeight | An approximate measure of the overall weight of the product before it is modified to fit into the space. | R | Optional | If Specified | 60 0 |
NominalWidth | An approximate measure based on the bounding box of the asset before it is modified to fit into the space. Width is measured horizontally and is typically the shorter of the two values (length and width). |
R | Optional | If Specified | 30 0 |
PurchaseCost | During the construction and handover phases, this is the purchase cost of the asset. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
R | Optional | If Specified | 5200 0 |
WarrantyDescription | A general description of the warranty for the asset. | T | Optional | If Specified | 3 years parts, 1 year labor n/a |
Name | The name of the asset Component. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma. |
T | Identification | Required | BLR1-6 DR206 |
Description | A general text description of the asset Component. | T | Identification | Required | Gas Boiler Single Door |
AssetIdentifier | An alternative identifier for the specific component to be used as defined by associated contract. | T | Identification | If Specified | ABC123 n/a |
BarCode | During the construction and handover phases, this is the barcode found on the installed product name plate. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Identification | If Specified | 012345678901 n/a |
SerialNumber | During the construction and handover phases, this is the serial number found on the installed product name plate. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Identification | If Specified | C02NQCC6FY17 n/a |
TagNumber | During the construction and handover phases, this is the value of tag affixed to the installed asset. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
T | Identification | If Specified | ABC123 n/a |
Type.Name | This is a reference to an item from the Type data table (a COBie.Type.Name value). | T | Classification | Required (Reference) | BoilerType1 Door_Type_A |
Space.Name | This is the name of the space in which this asset is located. This is a reference to an item from the Space data table (a COBie.Space.Name value). |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | 1A01 Room217 |
Space.SecondaryName | This is the name of the secondary space in which this asset is located. This may be used if the asset spans across more than one space and can be a comma separated list. This is a reference to an item from the Space data table (a COBie.Space.Name value). |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | 1A01 Room217, Room219 n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
InstallationDate | During the construction and handover phases, this is the date on which this asset was placed in its final location. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
D | Optional | If Specified | 2022-12-31 n/a |
WarrantyStartDate | During the construction and handover phases, this is the date on which the asset’s warranty period begins. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. |
D | Optional | If Specified | 2022-12-31 n/a |
Name | The name of the System. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | HVAC-01 FireProtection |
Description | A general text description of the System. | T | Identification | If Specified | HVAC System 01 Fire Protection System n/a |
Category | The classification for the System. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.System.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | 21-04 20 10 Domestic Water Distribution EF_55_70 Water supply n/a |
PartOf | A reference to another COBie.System.Name item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a sanitary vent system may be part of an overall sanitary waste system. |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | SANVENT-02 n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Component.Name |
A reference to an item from the Component data table (a COBie.Component.Name value). This is a comma separated list of values. |
T | Required | Reference | BLR1-6, BLR1-7 DR204, DR205, DR206, DR207 |
Name | The name of the Resource that is required to be used on the Job. This Resource may be shared across multiple Jobs. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma. |
T | Identification | Required | CleaningMaterials Boiler_Chemicals |
Description | A general text description of the Resource. | T | Identification | If Specified | Chemicals and tools needed to clean areas and equipment Chemicals needed to maintain boilers n/a |
Category | The classification for the Resource. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Resource.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Labor Material |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem |
Name | The name of the Job. This value does not need to be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | AHUType01-AnnualMaintenance BoilerType1LockOut Inspection_10-06-2023 |
Description | A general text description of the Job. There are typically three ways to populate this field.
T | Identification | Required | Series of maintenance tasks related to the Air Handling Units as detailed in the preventative maintenance manual from the manufacturer. |
TaskNumber | If COBie.Job.Description contains a series of individual operations, this is the identification (non-negative integers) used to reference each step. The first COBie.Job.TaskNumber in the series shall have a value of “0” and provide the general information about the job whose tasks follow. |
T | Identification | If Specified | 0 1 n/a |
Category | The classification for the Job. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Job.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Inspection ShutDown |
Status | The status of the Level. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Job.Status data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Not Yet Started Completed |
Table | Reference to another data table related to this Job. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Package Risk Type Component |
Table.Name | The primary key (value in the “Name” data field) of the data record on the data table referenced in COBie.Job.Table data field. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | WindowReplacement2023 Missing_Data BoilerType1 BLR1-6 |
PartOf | A reference to another COBie.Job.Name item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a “Filter Replacement” Job could be part of an overall “AHU Annual Maintenance” Job. |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | AHUType01-AnnualMaintenance n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Duration | The length of time required to perform the Job. | R | Required | Required | 180 1 |
DurationUnit | The unit of time associated with the COBie.Job.Duration data field. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Unit.Duration data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Minute Hour |
Interval | The planned time interval between occurrence events for this Job. | R | Required | Required | 1 2 |
IntervalUnit | The unit of time associated with the COBie.Job.Interval data field. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Unit.Duration data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Year Month |
Priors | The Tasks that must be completed before this Job. If COBie.Job.Description contains a series of individual operations, this is a comma separated list of the COBie.Job.TaskNumber for all previous jobs. The first in the series shall have a value of “0”. |
T | Required | If Specified (Reference) | 0 , 1, 2 7 n/a |
Resource.Name | A comma separated list of the Resources needed for this Job. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.Resource.Name data field. |
T | Required | If Specified (Reference) | Cleaning Materials, Boiler Chemicals n/a |
Name | The name of the Event. This value does not need to be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Lift_Inspection_2023 |
Description | A general text description of the Event. | T | Identification | Required | Statutory type 2 inspection |
Category | The classification for the Event. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Event.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | One Time Planned Repeating |
Company.Name | The name of the company that is responsible for this Event. This is a reference to an item from the Company data table (a COBie.Company.Name value). |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | ABC_Corp xyzconstruction-com |
Job.Name | The name of the Job of which this Event is a part. This is a reference to an item from the Job data table (a COBie.Job.Name value). |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | AHUType01-AnnualMaintenance BoilerType1LockOut |
Table | Reference to another data table related to this Event. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Job Document |
Table.Name | The primary key (value in the “Name” data field) of the data record on the data table referenced in COBie.Event.Table data field. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | AHUType01-AnnualMaintenance ManufacturersEquipmentInformation-Boiler1 |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
StartDate | The date on which this Event begins. | D | Required | Required | 2022-12-31 2022-12-31T13:00:00 |
EndDate | The date on which this Event ends | D | Optional | If Specified | 2022-12-31 2022-12-31T13:00:00 n/a |
Name | The name of the Package. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | WindowReplacement2023 |
Description | A general text description of the Package. | T | Identification | Required | Planned replacement of openings |
Category | The classification for the Package. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Package.Category data field. |
T | Classification | If Specified (Reference) | 22-01 93 13 – Facility Maintenance Procedures n/a |
Company.Name | The name of the company that is responsible for this Package. This is a reference to an item from the Company data table (a COBie.Company.Name value). |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | ABC_Corp xyzconstruction-com |
Event.Name | A comma separated list of the Events associated with this Package. This is a reference to an item from the Event data table (a COBie.Event.Name value). |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | Lift inspection 2023-02-03 |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
StartDate | The date on which this Package begins. | D | Required | Required | 2022-12-31 2022-12-31T13:00:00 |
EndDate | The date on which this Package ends | D | Optional | If Specified | 2022-12-31 2022-12-31T13:00:00 n/a |
Name | The name of the Risk. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | MissingData Product_Substitution |
Description | A general text description of the Risk. | T | Identification | Required | Balcony railing failure |
Category | The classification for the Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Risk.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Environmental Safety |
SpatialTable | This is a reference to another data table related to the location of this Risk. This value could be from the Facility, Space, or Zone data tables. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Facility Space Zone n/a |
SpatialTable.Name | This is the data field of the SpatialData data table referenced. This value could be from the COBie.Facility.Name, COBie.Space.Name, or COBie.Zone.Name data fields. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Building204 1A01 Administration n/a |
PhysicalTable | This is a reference to another data table related to the location of this Risk. This value could be from the Facility, Type, Component, or System data tables. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Facility Type n/a |
PhysicalTable.Name | This is the data field of the PhysicalData data table referenced. This value could be from the COBie.Type.Name or COBie.Component.Name data fields. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Building204 BoilerType1 n/a |
ProcessTable | This is a reference to another data table related to the location of this Risk. This value could be from the Facility, Job, Event, or Package data tables. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Facility Job n/a |
ProcessTable.Name | This is the data field of the ProcessData data table referenced. This value could be from the COBie.Job.Name or COBie.Event.Name data fields. | T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Building204 AHUType01-AnnualMaintenance n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Company.Name | The name of the company that is responsible for this Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.Company.Name data field. |
T | Location | Required (Reference) | ABC_Corp |
Consequence | The consequence of this Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Risk.Consequence data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Moderate Unknown |
LevelOfRisk | The level of this Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Risk.LevelOfRisk data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | High Low |
Likelihood | The likelihood of this Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Risk.Likelihood data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Has Occurred Moderate |
Mitigation | A general text description on how to this Risk will be mitigated. | T | Optional | If Specified | Warning signs pending repairs n/a |
Name | The name of the Document. This value does not need to be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | ManufacturersEquipmentInformation-Boiler1 Medical_Gas_System-Normal_Operating_Instructions |
Description | A general text description of the Document. | T | Identification | If Specified | Equipment information reference sheet User Manual n/a |
Category | The classification for the Document. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Document.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Contract Drawings Specifications |
Stage | A value of the type of information contained. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Document.Stage data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Approved As Built |
Table | Reference to another data table related to this Document that can include any other data table. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | System Type |
Table.Name | The primary key (value in the “Name” data field) of the data record on the data table referenced in COBie.Document.Table data field. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | HVAC-01 BoilerType1 |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
ApprovalBy | A value of the type of approver for this document. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Document.AprovalBy data field. |
T | Required | Required (Reference) | Owner Approval Contractor Certified |
Path | The path to the document. Can accommodate:
U | Required | Required | X:\Folder\Subfolder\ |
File | The name of the file, with file extension, that contains the associated information. The file name may also be included in the COBie.Document.Path data field. |
T | Optional | If Specified | 123Main_Arch_R23.rvt ComissioningReport.pdf n/a |
Reference | If different from the COBie.Document.Path and COBie.Document.File data fields, this is a reference to documents provided from manufacturers’ catalogs or websites. | T | Optional | If Specified | n/a |
Name | The name of the Attribute. This value does not need to be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | FanMaxSpeed Volts |
Description | A general text description of the Attribute. | T | Identification | If Specified | Maximum fan speed Nominal Voltage n/a |
Category | The classification for the Attribute. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Attribute.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Approved As Built |
Table | This is a reference to another data table to where this Attribute applies. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Type Component |
Table.Name | The primary key (value in the “Name” data field) of the data record on the data table referenced in COBie.Attribute.Table data field. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Required (Reference) BoilerType1 BLR1-6 |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem | |||||
Value | The value of the Attribute. | T | Required | Required | 123 1200.56 |
Unit | The unit defining the Value of the Attribute. | T | Required | Required | Feet Amps |
AllowedValues | A comma separated list of one or more allowed values for the “Value” data field of a particular item on the “Attribute” data table. | T | Optional | If Specified | Inlet, Outlet 5kVA, 10kVA, 15kVA Fixed, Variable n/a |
Name | The name of the Coordinate. This value does not need to be unique. |
T | Identification | Required | Light_LC-1_box-upperright DR206_box-lowerleft |
Category | The classification for the Coordinate. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Coordinate.Category data field. |
T | Classification | Required (Reference) | Point Line-end-one |
Table | Reference to another data table that can include: COBie.Facility, COBie.Level, COBie.Space, COBie.Type, or COBie.Coordinate. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Level Space |
Table.Name | The primary key (value in the “Name” data field) of the data record on the data table referenced in COBie.Coordinate.Table data field. | T | Location | Required (Reference) | Level_1 1A01 |
CoordinateXAxis | The relative coordinate of the referenced asset along the X-axis. | R | Location | Required | 28.75 -108.50 |
CoordinateYAxis | The relative coordinate of the referenced asset along the Y-axis. | R | Location | Required | 42.25 -80.00 |
CoordinateZAxis | The relative coordinate of the referenced asset along the Z-axis. | R | Location | Required | 0.00 96.50 |
ClockwiseRotation | Rotation of the asset around the Z-axis of the identified point. | R | Location | Required | 0.00 90.00 |
ElevationalRotation | Rotation of the asset around the X-axis of the identified point. | R | Location | Required | 0.00 180.00 |
YawRotation | Rotation of the asset around the Y-axis of the identified point. | R | Location | Required | 0.00 90.00 |
RelativeTo | A reference to another COBie.Coordinate.Name item on this data table. If used, this coordinate is relative to that one. Leaving this data field as “n/a” will imply the coordinate is relative to the coordinate system called out in the COBie.Instruction.CoordinateSystemDescription data field. |
T | Location | If Specified (Reference) | Light_LC-1_box-upperright n/a |
ExtIdentifier | See the “Company” data table section above for details about these data fields. | ||||
ExtObject | |||||
ExtSystem |
Attribute.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for assigning a category to the attributes in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Coordinate.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the coordinates in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Coordinate.TableName | The pre-determined values allowed for assigning a data table to which the coordinates in a COBie deliverable apply. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Document.ApprovalBy | The pre-determined values allowed for assigning an approver for the documents in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Document.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the documents in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Document.Stage | The pre-determined values allowed for assigning a stage to the documents in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Event.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the events in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Facility.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the facility in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Typically, the values shown for this in the U.S. are those from OmniClass Table 11, while Uniclass Table En is used in the U.K. |
Facility.Type | The pre-determined values allowed for the facility type in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Job.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the jobs in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Job.Status | The pre-determined values allowed for the status of your jobs in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Level.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the levels in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Package.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for the category of your packages in a COBie deliverable | T | n/a | If Specified | Typically, the values shown for this in the U.S. are those from OmniClass Table 22, while Uniclass Table Ss is used in the U.K. |
Resource.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the resources in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Risk.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the risks in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Risk.Consequence | The pre-determined values allowed for the risk consequences in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Risk.LevelOfRisk | The pre-determined values allowed for the levels of risk in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Risk.Likelihood | The pre-determined values allowed for the likelihood of risks in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
SpaceType.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the space types in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Typically, the values shown for this in the U.S. are those from OmniClass Table 13, while Uniclass Table SL is used in the U.K. |
System.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the systems in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Typically, the values shown for this in the U.S. are those from OmniClass Table 21, while Uniclass Table EF is used in the U.K. |
Table | A list of the COBie data tables. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Type.AssetType | The pre-determined values allowed for designating the type of asset each component type is in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Type.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the component types in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Typically, the values shown for this in the U.S. are those from OmniClass Table 23, while Uniclass Table Pr is used in the U.K. |
Zone.Category | The pre-determined values allowed for categorizing the zones in a COBie deliverable. | T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Units.Area | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent area measurements. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.AreaUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Units.Currency | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent currency. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.CurrencyUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | The values shown should be from the ISO 4217 Currency codes. |
Units.Duration | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent duration. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.DurationUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Units.Linear | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent linear measurements. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.LinearUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Units.Volume | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent volume measurement. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.VolumeUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
Units.Weight | The pre-determined values allowed for data fields that represent weight measurements. The overall value is captured in the COBie.Instruction.WeightUnit data field. |
T | n/a | If Specified | Only the following values are allowed:
There are several approved formats in which the COBie database can be delivered. These include:
For details on these formats and their corresponding schema, see the “Appendix” in this document.
The following resources are referenced in this document.
1 | National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) | |
2 | The National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) | |
3 | buildingSMART International – Model View Definitions (MVD) | |
ISO/IEC 10303-21:2016
There are three related parts to the ISO standard related to the STEP Physical File (SPF) format:
IFC Tables A, B, and C are intended to direct the reader to the most relevant pages of the IFC4.3 documentation:
The COBie3 MVD and IDS contain the formal definitions.
IFC Table A – Mapping Between COBie V3 Tables and IFC entities
* Indicates an abstract entity where only its subtypes are used
# | TABLE | IFC4.3 | Notes |
1 | Instruction | IfcProject, IfcUnitAssignment | See IFC Table B |
2 | Company | IfcOrganization | |
3 | Facility | IfcProject IfcSite IfcFacility, IfcBuilding, IfcBridge IfcRail, IfcRoad, IfcTunnel (IFC4.4) |
(ifc2x3: IfcBuilding) |
4 | Level | IfcFacilityPart, IfcBuildingStorey | (ifc2x3: IfcBuildingStorey) |
5 | SpaceType | IfcSpaceType | |
6 | Space | IfcSpace, IfcExternalSpatialElement | (ifc2x3: IfcSpace) |
7 | Zone | IfcZone | |
8 | Type | IfcElementType* | See IFC Table C |
9 | Component | IfcElement* | See IFC Table C |
10 | System | IfcSystem, IfcCircuit, IfcBuildingSystem, IfcStructuralSystem, IfcDistributionSystem | |
11 | Resource | IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType IfcConstructionProductResourceType |
12 | Job | IfcTaskType | (Ifc2x3: IfcTask) |
13 | Event | IfcTask | |
14 | Package | IfcWorkPlan | |
15 | Risk | Pset_Risk | |
16 | Document | IfcDocumentInformation | |
17 | Attribute | IfcPropertyValue* | |
18 | Coordinate | IfcLocalPlacement | |
19 | PickList | IfcClassification | classification hierarchy |
IFC Table B – Mapping Between COBie V3 Fields and IFC Properties, Attributes, and Relationships
Relationships are listed right-justified.
FIELD | IFC | NOTES (See IFC Table A) |
Address | Pset_Address.AddressLines* | Facility |
AllowedValues | EnumerationValues | Attribute |
ApprovalBy | IfcResourceApprovalRelationship | Document |
AreaMeasurementStandard | MethodOfMeasurement | Instruction |
AreaUnit | Units | Instruction |
AssetIdentifier | AssetIdentifier | Component |
AssetType | AssetAccountingType | Type |
BarCode | BarCode | Component |
Category | IfcClassificationReference RiskType |
Company, Facility, Level, SpaceType, Zone, Type, System, Resource, Job, Event, Package, Document, Attribute, Coordinate. Risk |
Certifications | Roles* | Company |
ClassificationSystem.Company | IfcClassification.Name | Instruction |
ClassificationSystem.Facility | IfcClassification.Name | Instruction |
ClassificationSystem.SpaceType | IfcClassification.Name | Instruction |
ClassificationSystem.System | IfcClassification.Name | Instruction |
ClassificationSystem.Type | IfcClassification.Name | Instruction |
ClockwiseRotation | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
Company.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Company.Name | IfcRelAssignsToActor | Event, Package, Risk |
Component.Name | IfcRelAssignsToGroup | System |
Consequence | MitigatedRiskConsequence | Risk |
Coordinate.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Coordinate.TableName | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
CoordinateSystemDescription | Instruction | |
CoordinateSystemOrigin | Instruction | |
CoordinateXAxis | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
CoordinateYAxis | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
CoordinateZAxis | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
Country | Pset_Address.Country | Company |
CurrencyUnit | Units | Instruction |
Department | IfcOrganizationRelationship | Company |
Description | Description Pset_Risk.NatureOfRisk |
Space, Type, Component, Job, Event, Package, Facility, Level, SpaceType, Zone, System, Resource, Document, Attribute. Risk |
Document.ApprovalBy | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Document.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Document.Stage | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Duration | TaskTime | Job |
DurationUnit | IfcUnitAssignment | Instruction, Job |
Elevation | IfcBuilding.Elevation IfcBuildingStorey.Elevation |
Facility Level |
ElevationalRotation | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
EndDate | IfcTaskTime | Event, Package |
Event.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Event.Name | IfcRelAssignsToControl | Package |
ExportDateTime | IfcOwnerHistory.ModifedDate | Instruction |
ExtIdentifier | GlobalId | All but Instruction and PickList |
ExtObject | (derived using IFC table A) | All but Instruction and PickList |
ExtSystem | IfcApplication.Identifier | All but Instruction and PickList |
File | Location | Document |
Facility.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Facility.Type | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
GrossArea | GrossFloorArea | Space |
Height | GrossHeight | Level |
InstallationDate | InstallationDate | Component |
Interval | TaskTime | Job |
IntervalUnit | IfcUnitAssignment | Job |
Job.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Job.Name | IfcRelDefinesByType | Event |
Job.Status | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Latitude | Latitude | Facility |
Level.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Level.Name | IfcRelDecomposes | Space |
LevelOfRisk | MitigatedRiskSignificance | Risk |
Likelihood | MitigatedRiskLikelihood | Risk |
LinearUnit | Units | Instruction |
Longitude | Longitude | Facility |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer | Type |
Milestone | Phase | Instruction |
Mitigation | MitigationPlanned | Risk |
ModelNumber | ModelLabel | Type |
ModelReference | ModelReference | Type |
Name | Name RiskName |
All but Instruction, PickList and Risk Risk |
NetArea | NetFloorArea | Space |
NominalHeight | NominalHeight | Type |
NominalLength | NominalLength | Type |
NominalWeight | Weight | Type |
NominalWidth | NominalWidth | Type |
OrganizationCode | Identification | Company |
OriginatingCompany | IfcOwnerHistory.OwningUser | Instruction |
PartOf | IfcRelDecomposes | Level, Space, Zone, System, Job |
Path | Location | Document |
Phone | Pset_Address.TelephoneNumbers* | Company |
PhysicalTable | (derived using IFC table A) | Risk |
PhysicalTable.Name | AssociatedProduct | Risk |
PostalBox | Pset_Address.PostalBox | Company |
PostalCode | Pset_Address.PostalCode | Company |
Priors | IfcRelSequence | Job |
ProcessTable | (derived using IFC table A) | Risk |
ProcessTable.Name | AssociatedActivity | Risk |
PurchaseCost | Pset_Asset.OriginalCost | Type |
Reference | Name | Document |
Region | Pset_Address.Region | Instruction |
RelativeTo | PlacementRelTo | Coordinate |
Release | (not mapped) | Instruction |
Resource.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Resource.Names | IfcRelAssignsToResource | Job |
Risk.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Risk.Consequence | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Risk.LevelOfRisk | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Risk.Likelihood | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
RoomTag | LongName | Space |
SerialNumber | Pset_ManufacturerOccurrence.SerialNumber | Component |
Space.Name | IfcRelAssignsToGroup | Component, Zone |
Space.SecondaryName | LongName | Component |
SpaceType.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
SpaceType.Name | IfcRelDefinedByType | Space |
SpatialTable | (derived using IFC table A) | Risk |
SpatialTable.Name | AssociatedLocation | Risk |
Stage | Purpose | Document |
StartDate | IfcTaskTime | Event, Package |
StateRegion | Pset_Address.Region | Company |
Status | (not mapped) Status |
Instruction, Job |
Street | Pset_Address.AddressLines* | Company |
System.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Table | (derived using IFC table A) | Job, Event, Document, Attribute, Coordinate, PickList |
Table.Name | (derived) | Job, Event, Document, Attribute, Coordinate |
TagNumber | Pset_ConstructionOccurence.TagNumber | Component |
TaskNumber | Identification | Job |
Title | (not mapped) | Instruction |
Town | Pset_Address.Town | Company |
Type | (derived from IFC entity) | Facility |
Type.AssetType | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Type.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Type.Name | IfcRelDefinesByType | Component |
Unit | Unit | Attribute |
Units.Area | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Units.Currency | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Units.Duration | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Units.Linear | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Units.Volume | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
Units.Weight | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
UsableHeight | (see IFC Table A) | Space |
Value | NominalValue | Attribute |
Version | (not mapped) | Instruction |
VolumeUnit | Units | Instruction |
WarrantyDescription | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyDurationLabor | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyDurationParts | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyDurationUnit | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyGuarantorLabor | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyGuarantorParts | Pset_Warranty | Type |
WarrantyStartDate | Pset_Warranty | Component |
Website | Pset_Address.WWWHomePageURL | Company |
WeightUnit | Units | Instruction |
YawRotation | RelativePlacement | Coordinate |
Zone.Category | (see IFC Table A) | PickList |
IFC Table C – Expected IFC Subtypes for COBie V3 Type and Component Tables
It is up to the owner to put in the contract the list of maintainable assets. Typically, the following list is used. Refer to table 8 Type and Table 9 Component.
Extension / Elements / Domain | Ifc…(Type) |
Product Extension | Impact Protection Device Transport Element |
Shared Bldg. Elements | Door Window |
Shared Bldg. Service Elements | Distribution Chamber Element Energy Conversion Device Flow Controller Flow Moving Device Flow Storage Device Flow Terminal |
Shared Infrastructure Elements | Sign Signal |
Building Controls Domain | Actuator Alarm Controller Flow Instrument Sensor Unitary Control Element |
Electrical Domain | Audio Visual Appliance Communications Appliance Distribution Board Electric Appliance Electric Flow Storage Device Electric Flow Treatment Device Electric Generator Electric Motor Electric Time Control Light Fixture Mobile Telecommunications Appliance Protective Device Tripping Unit Solar Device Switching Device Transformer |
HVAC Domain | Air Terminal Air Terminal Box Air To Air Heat Recovery Boiler Burner Chiller Coil Compressor Condenser Damper Duct Silencer Engine Evaporative Cooler Fan Filter Flow Meter Heat Exchanger Humidifier Medical device Pump Space Heater Tank Unitary Equipment Valve |
Plumbing Fire Protection Domain | Fire Suppression Terminal Interceptor Sanitary Terminal Waste Terminal |
Ports and Waterways Domain | Conveyor Segment Liquid Terminal Mooring Device Navigation Element |
Rail Domain | Rail Track Element |
Tunnel Domain | (IFC4.4) |
ISO/IEC 29500-1:2016
SpreadsheetML is an XML schema reflecting the organization of spreadsheet data in Microsoft Excel. The use of SpreadsheetML format for COBie data is optional in this specification. The SpreadsheetML format represents COBie data in an easy to understand and digest format (human readable).
More information on the SpreadsheetML schema can be found here:
An example blank spreadsheet is included as part of this standard.
ISO/IEC 21778:2017
The ability to deliver COBie data in a JSON format is new for this version.
Instructions Table
Facility Table
Component Table
Job Table
Sample Schema
{ "title": "COBie v3 JSON Schema", "$schema": "", "$id": "", "description": "", "type": "object", "required": [ "Instructions", "Company", "Facility", "Level", "SpaceType", "Space", "Type", "Component" ], "properties": { "Instructions": { "type": "object", "description": "Provides written instructions related to the COBie database, but also contains the general submittal information for a particular COBie deliverable.", "required": [ "Title", "Version", "Release", "Status", "Region", "ExportDateTime", "AreaUnit", "CurrencyUnit", "DurationUnit", "LinearUnit", "VolumeUnit", "WeightUnit", "AreaMeasurementStandard", "CoordinateSystemDescription", "CoordinateSystemOrigin", "ClassificationSystem.Company", "ClassificationSystem.Facility", "ClassificationSystem.SpaceType", "ClassificationSystem.Type", "ClassificationSystem.System" ], "properties": { "Title": { "type": "string" }, "Version": { "type": "number", "default": 3 }, "Release": { "type": "number", "default": 0 }, "Status": { "type": "string", "description": "The version IFC with which this COBie deliverable aligns.", "default": "IFC4" }, "Region": { "type": "string", "description": "Format is ISO-639-1 two letter language code", "examples": [ "en-US", "en-GB" ] }, "ExportDateTime": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "Format is ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) with exact time optional", "examples": [ "2022-12-31", "2022-12-31T13:00:00" ] }, "Milestone": { "type": "string", "description": "A description of the project milestone for which this COBie deliverable represents.", "examples": [ "50% DD", "90% CD", "Handover" ] }, "OriginatingCompany": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "The name of the company that generated this COBie deliverable, referencing a COBie.Company.Name value.", "examples": [ "/Company/3" ] }, "AreaUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Area' field on the PickLists table", "enum": [ "Square Inches", "Square Feet", "Square Miles", "Square Millimeters", "Square Meters", "Square Kilometers" ], "examples": [ "Square Feet", "Square Meters" ] }, "CurrencyUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Currency' field on the PickLists table", "examples": [ "Dollars", "Euros" ] }, "DurationUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Duration' field on the PickLists table", "enum": [ "As required", "Day", "Minute", "Month", "Quarter", "Week", "Year" ], "examples": [ "Month", "Year" ] }, "LinearUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Linear' field on the PickLists table", "enum": [ "Inches", "Feet", "Miles", "Millimeters", "Meters", "Kilometers" ], "examples": [ "Feet", "Meters" ] }, "VolumeUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Volume' field on the PickLists table", "enum": [ "Cubic Feet", "Cubic Meters" ], "examples": [ "Cubic Feet", "Cubic Meters" ] }, "WeightUnit": { "type": "string", "description": "From the 'Units.Weight' field on the PickLists table", "enum": [ "Ounces", "Pounds", "Tons", "Grams", "Kilograms", "Metric Tons" ], "examples": [ "Pounds", "Kilograms" ] }, "AreaMeasurementStandard": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "BOMA 2017 for Office Buildings", "Standard Methods of Measurement (ANSI/BOMA Z65.1—2017)" ] }, "CoordinateSystemDescription": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "Degrees, Minutes, Seconds" ] }, "CoordinateSystemOrigin": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "38°54'12.438\"N, 77°2'1.0314\"W" ] }, "ClassificationSystem_Company": { "type": "string", "description": "Provide system name and version", "examples": [ "OmniClass Table 34", "Uniclass Table Ro" ] }, "ClassificationSystem_Facility": { "type": "string", "description": "Provide system name and version", "examples": [ "OmniClass Table 11", "Uniclass Table En" ] }, "ClassificationSystem_SpaceType": { "type": "string", "description": "Provide system name and version", "examples": [ "OmniClass Table 13", "Uniclass Table SL" ] }, "ClassificationSystem_Type": { "type": "string", "description": "Provide system name and version", "examples": [ "OmniClass Table 23", "Uniclass Table Pr" ] }, "ClassificationSystem_System": { "type": "string", "description": "Provide system name and version", "examples": [ "OmniClass Table 21", "Uniclass Table EF" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } }, "Company": { "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "description": "Represents the information related to a company that is referenced elsewhere in a COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Phone" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the Company. This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique.", "examples": [ "ABC_Corp", "xyzconstruction-com" ] }, "Phone": { "type": "string", "description": "The telephone number for the Company.", "examples": [ "+1 (202) 289-7800" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Company. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Company.Category data field.", "examples": [ "34-10 11 Owner", "Ro_10_20_14 Client" ] }, "Website": { "type": "string", "description": "The website address for the Company.", "examples": [ "" ] }, "Street": { "type": "string", "description": "The street address for the Company.", "examples": [ "1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 700" ] }, "PostalBox": { "type": "string", "description": "The postal box address for the Company.", "examples": [ "P.O. Box 1234" ] }, "Town": { "type": "string", "description": "The city or town address for the Company", "examples": [ "Washington" ] }, "StateRegion": { "type": "string", "description": "The state or regional address for the Company.", "examples": [ "DC", "NC" ] }, "PostalCode": { "type": "string", "description": "The zip, or postal code, address for the Company.", "examples": [ "20005" ] }, "Country": { "type": "string", "description": "The country where the Company is located.", "examples": [ "U.S.A.", "U.K.", "Germany" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Certifications": { "type": "string" }, "Department": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the department for the Company.", "examples": [] }, "OrganizationCode": { "type": "string", "description": "The organizational code for the Company." } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Facility": { "type": "object", "description": "Provides information related to the facility, structure, or group of structures (in the case of infrastructure projects) for which the COBie deliverable represents.", "required": [ "Name", "Address", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Elevation" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the Facility for this COBie deliverable. This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Descriptions": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable." }, "Types": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Facility", "Project", "Site" ], "description": "The type of facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Facility.Type data field.", "examples": [ "Facility", "Project", "Site" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Facility. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Facility.Category data field.", "examples": [ "11-27 25 19 Office-Retail Building", "En_20_15_10 Multiple occupation office buildings" ] }, "Address": { "type": "string", "description": "The city or town address of the project in Facility.", "examples": [ "1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005" ] }, "Latitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -90, "maximum": 90, "description": "The specific latitude for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable.", "examples": [ 42.3584 ] }, "Longitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -180, "maximum": 180, "description": "The specific longitude for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable.", "examples": [ -71.0598 ] }, "Elevation": { "type": "number", "description": "The specific elevation above sea level for the facility, structure, or group of structures as part of this COBie deliverable.", "examples": [ 354, 14, 115, 5 ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Description": { "type": "string" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } }, "Level": { "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "minItems": 1, "description": "Contains information related to the vertical levels of a facility or, in the case of infrastructure projects, the geographic areas such as the site surrounding a facility/structure, a rail or highway corridor, etc.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Level.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Level.", "examples": [ "3rd floor area plan" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Roof", "Floor", "Site" ], "description": "The classification for the Level. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Level.Category data field.", "examples": [ "Roof", "Floor", "Site" ] }, "PartOf": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to another Level item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a facility on a sloped grade that has a single “Level 1” floor per the signage, but that is separated within by a few steps, so the model has two different levels defined to manage the elements.", "examples": [ "Floor/23" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Elevation": { "type": "number", "description": "The elevation at the top of the level structure. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default value is measured as a relative value compared to the facility’s datum.", "examples": [ 354, 14, 115, 5 ] }, "Height": { "type": "number", "description": "The distance between the top of level structure to bottom of structure above.", "examples": [ 10, 12 ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "SpaceType": { "type": "array", "description": "Provides information related to the different types of spaces that make up a facility, structure, or group of structures for this COBie deliverable.", "uniqueItems": true, "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Space Type.", "examples": [ "Shared Open cubicles" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Space Type. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.SpaceType.Category data field.", "examples": [ "13-55 11 Office Spaces", "SL_20_15_27 Enclosed offices" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Space": { "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "minItems": 1, "description": "Spaces represent the horizontal decomposition of Levels in COBie and which have common functional purpose and user.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Level_Ref" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the Space. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma. This is often the room number in the construction documents." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Space.", "examples": [ "Bob's Office", "Conference room seating 12" ] }, "SpaceType_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to an item from the space type data table." }, "Level_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to an item from the Level data table." }, "PartOf": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to another Level item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a large open Room that has cubicles within. Each cubicle space would be part of the large open space.", "examples": [ "Space/105" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "GrossArea": { "type": "number", "description": "The total space area as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified COBie.Instruction.AreaMeasurementStandard value.", "examples": [ "1125.25", "3201" ] }, "NetArea": { "type": "number", "description": "The usable space area as specified in the design contract and calculated by the identified COBie.Instruction.AreaMeasurementStandard value.", "examples": [ "988.62", "3110.3" ] }, "UsableHeight": { "type": "number", "description": "Distance from top of finished level to bottom of ceiling. If there is no ceiling, then this value must match COBie.Level.Height.", "examples": [ "22", "120" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Zone": { "type": "array", "description": "Zones represent the aggregation of Spaces that provide some common purpose.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Space_Ref" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Zone.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Zone.", "examples": [ "Seating for the development orginization" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Zone. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Zone.Category data field.", "examples": [ "Circulation Zone", "Occupancy Zone" ] }, "Space_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to an items from the space data table.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" } }, "PartOf": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to another Zone item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a large zone for the west wing of a facility could be divided up into smaller zones that are part of the west wing zone.", "examples": [ "Space/105" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Type": { "type": "array", "description": "Represents information related to the different types of products and equipment in the Facility.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Manufacturer_Ref", "ModelNumber", "WarrantyGuarantorParts_Ref", "WarrantyDurationParts", "WarrantyGuarantorLabor_Ref", "WarrantyDurationLabor", "WarrantyDurationUnit" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the asset Type.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the asset Type.", "examples": [ "32x80 Hollow core door" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the asset type. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Type.Category data field.", "examples": [ "23-33 11 22 Electric Boilers", "Pr_60_60_08_27 Electric Boilers" ] }, "AssetType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Fixed", "Moveable" ], "description": "The type of asset. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Type.AssetType data field.", "examples": [ "Fixed", "Moveable" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Manufacturer_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "The name of the company that manufactures the asset. This is a json-pointer reference to an entry in the COBie.Company table.", "examples": [ "Company/26" ] }, "ModelNumber": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "During the construction and handover phases, this is the manufacturer’s model number of the installed product. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable", "examples": [ "Mark IV v2" ] }, "WarrantyGuarantorParts_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "During the construction and handover phases, this is the name of the company that is responsible for replacement parts during the warranty period. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. This is a json-pointer reference to an entry in the COBie.Company table.", "examples": [ "Company/27" ] }, "WarrantyDurationParts": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "During the construction and handover phases, this is the length of the warranty period for replacement parts provided by the product manufacturer. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable.", "examples": [ "3", "36" ] }, "WarrantyGuarantorLabor_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "During the construction and handover phases, this is the name of the company that is responsible for labor costs during the warranty period. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable. This is a json-pointer reference to an entry in the COBie.Company table.", "examples": [ "Company/28" ] }, "WarrantyDurationLabor": { "type": "string", "format": "duration", "description": "During the construction and handover phases, this is the length of the warranty period for labor repairs provided by the product manufacturer. During planning and design phases, this data field is not applicable.", "examples": [ "1", "12" ] }, "WarrantyDurationUnit": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "As required", "Day", "Minute", "Month", "Quarter", "Week", "Year" ], "description": "The unit of measure associated with values found in COBie.Type.WarrantyDurationParts and COBie.Type.WarrantyDurationLabor. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are Month and Year. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Units.Duration data field." }, "ModelReference": { "type": "string" }, "NominalHeight": { "type": "number" }, "NominalLength": { "type": "number" }, "NominalWeight": { "type": "number" }, "NominalWidth": { "type": "number" }, "PurchaseCost": { "type": "string", "description": "The purchase cost of the asset." }, "WarrantyDescription": { "type": "string", "description": "A description of the warranty for the asset." } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Component": { "type": "array", "description": "The individual instances of the products and equipment define in the Type data table.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Space_Ref" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the asset Component.", "description": "The name of the asset Component. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the asset Component." }, "AssetIdentifier": { "type": "string" }, "BarCode": { "type": "string" }, "SerialNumber": { "type": "string" }, "TagNumber": { "type": "string" }, "Type_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to an item from the type data table." }, "Space_Ref": { "type": "array", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to an item from the space data table." }, "SecondarySpace_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from the space data table.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", } }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "InstallationDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date" }, "WarrantyStartDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "System": { "type": "array", "description": "Systems represent aggregations of Components that provide some common function.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Component_Ref" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the System.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the System.", "examples": [ "East wing HVAC" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the System. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.System.Category data field.", "examples": [ "21-04 20 10 Domestic Water Distribution", "EF_55_70 Water supply" ] }, "Component_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from the component table.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" }, "examples": [ [ "Component/105", "Component/237" ] ] }, "PartOf": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to another System item on this data table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, a large zone for the west wing of a facility could be divided up into smaller zones that are part of the west wing zone.", "examples": [ "System/105" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Resource": { "type": "array", "description": "Resource records identify the tools, materials, and training needed to maintain the facility, structure, or group of structures.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Resource.", "description": "The name of the Resource that is required to be used on the Job. This Resource may be shared across multiple Jobs. This is the primary key for this data table and each value must be unique and must not contain a comma." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Resource.", "examples": [ "T8 warm white florescent tubes – 4ft" ] }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Labor", "Material", "Tools", "Training" ], "description": "The classification for the Resource. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Resource.Category data field.", "examples": [ "Labor", "Material" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Job": { "type": "array", "description": "Identifies the variety of work that is required to operate, maintain, start up, shut down, or troubleshoot a given Component in the facility, structure, or group of structures.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Duration", "DurationUnit", "Interval", "IntervalUnit", "Priors", "Resource_Ref" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Job.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Job." }, "TaskNumber": { "type": "string" }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Adjustment", "Calibration", "Emergency", "Inspection", "Operation", "Project Management", "Safety", "ShutDown", "StartUp", "Testing", "Trouble" ], "description": "The classification for the Job. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Job.Category data field.", "examples": [ "Inspection", "ShutDown" ] }, "Status": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Not Yet Started", "Started", "Completed" ], "description": "Status of the job.", "examples": [ "Not Yet Started", "Completed" ] }, "Table_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from other tables that are part of the job.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" }, "examples": [ [ "Company/21", "Space/105", "Component/237" ] ] }, "PartOf": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "A json-pointer reference to another Job item on this table to represent that this item is a subset of that one. For example, adding a reusable sub-task such as shutdown to a larger job such as inspection.", "examples": [ "Space/105" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Duration": { "type": "number" }, "DurationUnit": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Day", "Minute", "Month", "Quarter", "Week", "Year" ], "description": "The unit of measure associated with values found in COBie.Job.Duration. If allowable values are not specified by contract, the default values are Month and Year. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Units.Duration data field." }, "Interval": { "type": "string" }, "IntervalUnit": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "As required", "Day", "Minute", "Month", "Quarter", "Week", "Year" ] }, "Priors": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from the TaskNumber field of the Job table.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" }, "examples": [ [ "Resource/2108", "Resource/237" ] ] } "Resource_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from the Resource table that are part of the job.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" }, "examples": [ [ "Resource/2108", "Resource/237" ] ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Event": { "type": "array", "description": "Events represent a single occurrence of a task as part of a Job.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "StartDate" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Event.", "description": "The name of the Event. This value does not need to be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Event." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "One Time", "Planned", "Repeating" ], "description": "The classification for the Event. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Event.Category data field.", "examples": [ "One Time", "Planned", "Repeating" ] }, "Company_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Company/3" ] }, "Jpb_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Job/11" ] }, "Table_Ref": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "description": "An array of json-pointer references to items from other tables that are part of the event.", "items": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer" }, "examples": [ [ "Company/21", "Space/105", "Component/237" ] ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "StartDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "EndDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Package": { "type": "array", "description": "Includes information about the legal contract that required the COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "StartDate" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Package.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Package." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Package. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Package.Category data field." }, "Company_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Company/3" ] }, "Event_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Event/909" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "StartDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "EndDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Risk": { "type": "array", "description": "Identifies the exchange of business process and exception reporting information related to other parts of a COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Consequence", "LevelOfRisk", "Likelihood" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Risk.", "description": "This is the primary key for this data table and each must be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Risk." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Change", "Claim", "Coordination", "Environmental", "Function", "IndoorAirQuality", "Installation", "RFI", "Safety", "Specification" ], "description": "The classification for the Risk. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Risk.Category data field.", "examples": [ [ "Environmental", "Safety" ] ] }, "Spatial_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Space/909" ] }, "Physical_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Component/909" ] }, "Process_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Event/909" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Company_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "examples": [ "/Company/3" ] }, "Consequence": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Very High", "High", "Moderate", "Low", "Unknown" ] }, "LevelOfRisk": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Very High", "High", "Moderate", "Low", "Unknown" ] }, "Likelihood": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Has Occurred", "High", "Moderate", "Low", "Unknown" ] }, "Mitigation": { "type": "string" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Document": { "type": "array", "description": "Document records identify external files that provide information associated with data in a COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Description", "Table_Ref", "ApprovalBy", "Path" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Document.", "description": "The name of the Document. This value does not need to be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Document." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Certificates", "Client Requirements", "Closeout Submittals", "Contract Drawings", "Contract Modifications", "Contract Specifications", "Design Data", "Design Review Comment", "Manufacturer Field Reports", "Manufacturer Instructions", "Operation and Maintenance", "Preconstruction Submittals", "Product Data", "Punch List Items", "Request for Information", "Requests for Information", "Samples", "Shop Drawings", "Specifications", "Test Reports" ], "description": "The classification for the Document. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Document.Category data field.", "examples": [ "Contract Drawings", "Specifications" ] }, "Table_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "The element to which the document applies.", "examples": [ "/Event/909" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "ApprovalBy": { "type": "string" }, "Path": { "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "File": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "123Main_Arch_R23.rvt", "ComissioningReport.pdf", "n/a" ] }, "Reference": { "type": "string" } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Attribute": { "type": "array", "description": "Used to store custom data fields for the COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Table_Ref", "type", "Unit" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Attribute.", "description": "The name of the Attribute. This value does not need to be unique." }, "Description": { "type": "string", "description": "A general text description of the Attribute." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "description": "The classification for the Attribute." }, "Table_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "The element to which the attribute applies.", "examples": [ "/Space/42" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] }, "Value": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "123", "1200.56" ] }, "Unit": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "meter" ] }, "AllowedValues": { "type": "string", "description": "A comma separated list of one or more allowed values for the “Value” data field of a particular item on the “Attribute” data table.", "examples": [ "Inlet, Outlet", "5kVA, 10kVA, 15kVA", "Fixed, Variable", "n/a" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] }, "Coordinate": { "type": "array", "description": "Represents the simple geometric information associated with data in a COBie deliverable.", "items": [ { "type": "object", "required": [ "Name", "Table_Ref", "CoordinateXAxis", "CoordinateYAxis", "CoordinateZAxis", "ClockwiseRotation", "ElevationalRotation", "YawRotation" ], "properties": { "Name": { "type": "string", "title": "The name of the Coordinate.", "description": "The name of the Coordinate. This value does not need to be unique." }, "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Point", "Line-end-one", "Line-end-two", "Box-lowerleft", "Box-upperright" ], "description": "The classification for the Coordinate. This data field value comes from one of the values in COBie.PickList.Coordinate.Category data field." }, "Table_Ref": { "type": "string", "format": "json-pointer", "description": "The element to which the coordinate applies.", "examples": [ "/Space/42" ] }, "ExtIdentifier": { "type": "string", "description": "The unique identifier of the identified ExternalObject that would allow COBie data to be matched back to the data from which it was developed in the named ExternalSystem. This might be a GUID or ElementID.", "examples": [ "4ec17585-c36e-4cc3-8301-61df48a06d7e-000c89be" ] }, "CoordinateXAxis": { "type": "number" }, "CoordinateYAxis": { "type": "number" }, "CoordinateZAxis": { "type": "number" }, "ClockwiseRotation": { "type": "number" }, "ElevationalRotation": { "type": "number" }, "YawRotation": { "type": "number" }, "RelativeTo": { "type": "string" }, "ExtObject": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the data object within the computer system that holds the data provided in a given row of COBie data. The default values are the associated IFC entities that are mapped (and those that are excluded) when transforming IFC data to a given row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "IfcSpace" ] }, "ExtSystem": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the computer system generating the row of COBie data.", "examples": [ "Autodesk Revit 2023, Build: 20220429_1500(x64)", "ArchiCAD 19 Full (USA) / Build: 5005", "IBM Maximo" ] } }, “additionalProperties”: { "type": "string" } } ] } } }
This section details the changes to the COBie V3 Standard from the previous V2.4 standard.
Version 3 of the COBie standard incorporates 61 different changes and updates grouped into the following four categories.
Ease of Use
00.01 |
New Terminology |
Moves away from spreadsheet terminology to utilize industry standard database terminology. |
00.08 |
Because the value in this data field is a reference to other records in the data table, it will be color coded as cyan. |
Allows for relationships between records in a data table, so that some records may be a part of another. |
00.09 |
CreatedBy and CreatedOn |
These data fields can violate privacy laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and are not necessary for every record in a COBie submittal. |
00.12 |
Adds a widely used database format to assist with machine-to-machine transfer of data. |
00.13 |
Classification System |
No data field in previous version to hold this information. |
00.14 |
Table and Table.Name
Provides consistency by standardizing the naming of data fields that reference other data tables. |
00.15 |
Reorganized Fields
Provides a consistent organization of the data fields across all data tables. |
00.16 |
Additional Statuses
Previous version was confusing regarding whether or not reference data fields were always required or only required if specified in the contract. |
Previously referred to as “Worksheets”, data tables in version 3 of the COBie standard have been modified. This includes:
FIGURE AD.1 shows a summary of those changes, and the following sections provide details. Overall, the total number of data tables has been reduced by one, from 20 to 19.
This data table was overhauled to include much more information pertinent to the COBie submittal. Dubbed the “Title Block”, the data fields now in this data table are a combination of new and moved from other data tables.
01.02 00.13 07.04 07.09 18.01 |
Title Block Expanded the data fields in the Instruction data table to include data fields related to submission of a COBie deliverable. This included:
Aggregates all data fields related to the submittal into one place. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table.
This data table is no longer about individuals, but about companies/organizations.
02.01 | Data Table Name Change Name was changed from “Contact” to “Company”. |
This avoids violating personal privacy laws such as GDPR. |
02.02 | Data Fields Renamed Renamed “Email” to “Name”. |
This avoids violating personal privacy laws such as GDPR. |
02.01 02.03 |
Data Fields Removed Removed the “Company”, “GivenName”, and “FamilyName” data fields. |
Company is redundant. This avoids violating personal privacy laws such as GDPR. |
02.04 | Data Fields Added Added a new “Certifications” and “Website” data fields. |
To better identify and qualify companies. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
This data table was revamped to not limit it to buildings.
03.05 03.06 |
New Location Data Fields Added data fields for “Address”, “Latitude”, “Longitude”, and “Elevation”. |
To allow more accurate location of the project. |
26.01 | New Type Data Field Added a “Type” data field that references a PickList of values from which to choose. |
To allow for the ability to define the type of project, moving away from only buildings. This will lay the foundation for future expansion to accommodate multiple facilities/structures in one submission. |
03.02 | Unit Data Fields Relocated The previous data fields related to unit types have been relocated to the updated Instruction data table. |
Consolidates units and standard classifications into the new “Title Block” area. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
28.01 | Data Table Name Change Name was changed from “Floor” to “Level”. |
To allow for more flexibility with project types, such as infrastructure projects. |
00.08 | PartOf Added new “PartOf" data field as a reference to other records in the data table, it will be color coded as orange. |
Allows for relationships between records in a data table, so that some records may be a part of another. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
05.03 23.01 00.14 |
New Space Type Data Field Added new data field to provide a Space Type that references the new data table of the same name. |
Just as Components have a Type, now Spaces have a Space Type. |
05.01 05.02 00.14 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed the “FloorName” data field to “Level.Name”. The documentation is updated to allow for this data field to be blank to accommodate vertical shafts, voids, exterior spaces, etc. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
00.08 | PartOf Added new “PartOf" data field as a reference to other records in the data table, it will be color coded as orange. |
Allows for relationships between records in a data table, so that some records may be a part of another. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
06.01 00.14 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed the “SpaceNames” data field to “Space.Name”. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
00.08 | PartOf Added new “PartOf" data field as a reference to other records in the data table, it will be color coded as orange. |
Allows for relationships between records in a data table, so that some records may be a part of another. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
07.01 | Documentation Updated Documentation will provide a better explanation of how to populate the “NominalLength”, “NominalWidth”, and “NominalHeight” data fields. |
It is often confusing to know what value to put in these data fields. |
07.04 07.09 |
Unit Data Fields Relocated Data fields related to units (“DurationUnit” and the new “NominalWeightUnit”) have been relocated to the new “Title Block” on the Instruction data table. |
Consolidates units and standard classifications into the new “Title Block” area. |
07.08 | New Weight Data Field Added a new “NominalWeight” field. |
This information can be important for assets. |
07.10 thru 07.20 | Data Fields Removed Removed data fields that are not often used:
To simplify the standard and remove data fields that are rarely used. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
08.01 00.14 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed the “TypeName” data field to “Type.Name” and the “Space” data field to “Space.Name”. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
08.03 | Data Fields Added Added a new “Space.SecondaryName” data field. |
To accommodate doors and other openings that lead from one space to another. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
09.01 00.14 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed the “ComponentNames” data field to “Component.Name”. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
00.08 | PartOf Added new “PartOf" data field as a reference to other records in the data table, it will be color coded as orange. |
Allows for relationships between records in a data table, so that some records may be a part of another. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
10.01 |
Data Table Removed This data table was removed. |
To simplify the deliverable, as this data table was not often used. This functionality is now handled with the new “PartOf" data field. |
11.01 |
Data Table Removed This data table was removed. |
To simplify the deliverable, as this data table was not often used. The System data table can imply connections. |
12.01 |
Data Table Removed This data table was removed. |
To simplify the deliverable, as this data table was not often used. The Resource data table or the new “PartOf" data field can be used instead. |
No changes to this data table except the changes that affect every data table, including removing the “CreatedBy” and “CreatedOn” data fields and reorganizing the data fields.
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
14.05 | Data Fields Renamed Renamed “Frequency” to “Interval” and “FrequencyUnit” to “IntervalUnit”. |
To better describe when the job takes place. |
14.01 14.04 |
Data Fields Removed Removed the “TypeName”, “Start”, and “TaskStartUnit” data fields. |
The type name data field has no purpose. The other two data fields are now part of the new Event data table. |
14.02 14.03 |
Data Fields Added Added a new “Table” and “Table.Name” data fields. |
To reference other records on data tables that are part of the job. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
15.01 |
Data Table Removed This data table was removed. |
To simplify the deliverable, as impacts can be transmitted as Attributes. For example, repeating impacts can be associated to Jobs or Events |
16.01 16.02 16.03 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed “SheetName” to “Table” and “RowName” to “Table.Name”. Renamed “Directory” to “Path” and updated the documentation to describe how this data field can just be populated with the path to the information (such as a URL) or both the path and file name. |
To align with the new naming convention. Update to better reflect modern terminology. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
17.01 17.02 |
Data Fields Renamed Renamed “SheetName” to “Table” and “RowName” to “Table.Name”. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
18.02 | Data Fields Renamed Renamed “SheetName” to “Table” and “RowName” to “Table.Name”. |
To align with the new naming convention. |
18.03 | Data Fields Added Added a new “RelativeTo” data field. Documented that leaving this data field blank will imply the coordinate is relative to the coordinate system called out in the new Title Block. |
Allows defining a coordinate relative to another coordinate. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
This data table has been repurposed to focus on the risks that can be associated with Jobs (existing data table) and Events (new data table), such as those related to health and safety.
19.01 27.01 |
Data Table Name Change Name was changed from “Issue” to “Risk”. |
Better describes the purpose of this data table. |
27.01 | Data Fields Removed Removed the following data fields:
To better align with the purpose of this data table which is to track the risks of a job or event. |
27.01 | Data Fields Added Added the following data fields:
To better align with the purpose of this data table which is to track the risks of a job or event. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
Many changes took place to align this data table with the changes to the other data tables, including adding, removing, and renaming of different data tables.
20.03 00.14 |
New Data Field Names To align with the new naming convention, every data field has been renamed following the “Table.Field” format. For example:
This makes it much easier to identify the PickList values for a particular data field on a particular data table. |
20.01 | OBJ Data Fields Removed All 20 data fields beginning with “obj” have been removed. |
To simplify the deliverable, as these data fields were not often used. |
20.01 | Data Fields Removed Data fields associated with data tables that no longer exist in V3 have been removed. This includes:
These data fields are no longer necessary. |
20.01 | Data Fields Optional The requirement for PickList data fields has changed from required (as color coded in yellow) to required if specified (as color coded in green). |
To make it clearer that not all PickLists are required. |
24.01 25.01 26.01 07.01 |
Data Fields Added Added data fields to accommodate newly added data tables, including:
To support newly added data tables. |
The figure below shows the comparison between the data fields in V2.4 and those in V3 for this data table. The gray text along the top of V3 does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
This is a new data table that allows Spaces to belong to a type, not just a classification. For example, “Office”, “Mechanical”, "Circulation", etc.
23.01 | New Data Table This data table will contain six new data fields:
Just as Components have a Type, now Spaces have a Space Type. |
The figure below shows the data fields for this new data table. The gray text along the top does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
This is a new data table that allows the documentation of events that affect a facility. An event is a component or an instance of a Job (existing data table).
24.01 | New Data Table This data table will contain 12 new data fields:
Documents components/instances of Jobs. |
The figure below shows the data fields for this new data table. The gray text along the top does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
This is a new data table that captures a record of who is responsible and is often referred to as a “work package.” Multiple Jobs (existing data table) and Events (new data table) can be associated with these responsible parties.
25.01 | New Data Table This data table will contain ten new data fields:
Documents the responsible parties. |
The figure below shows the data fields for this new data table. The gray text along the top does not display in the data tables and is shown to better understand the new organization of the data fields.
The Construction to Operations Building information exchange (COBie) specification provides a standard organization of data used to manage and maintain facility assets. It is a combined set of all space, product, and equipment schedules found on associated design drawings as well as a compilation of as-built, operations & maintenance (O&M), and commissioning information captured during construction.
This document is copyright-protected by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). While the reproduction of working drafts or committee drafts in any form for use by participants in the NBIMS-US™ standards development process is permitted without prior permission from NIBS, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from NIBS.
buildingSMART International (bSI)
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and the FM Handover Model View Definition (MVD) are both open standards protected under a “creative commons” license as bSI intellectual property. For more information, please see the bSI website:
The trademark OMNICLASS(R) and the copyrighted OmniClass work are used under license from the Construction Specification Institute, Inc.
The following terms are used throughout this document. Footnotes refer to links with additional information in the Resources section.
COBie | Construction to Operations Building Information Exchange | The digital standard defined in this document. |
NIBS | National Institute of Building Sciences |
A not-for-profit, non-government organization committed to supporting advances in building science and technology.1 NIBS is the author of this document. |
NBIMS-US™ | National BIM Standard-United States® |
The National BIM Standard-United States® is a document developed and maintained by NIBS.2 The COBie standard is part of NBIMS-US™. |
IFC | Industry Foundation Classes | An ISO standard (ISO 16739-1:2018) digital description of the built asset industry. |
ifcXML | XML Schema Definition for IFC | An XML schema for IFC Step files based on STEP XML transformation rules |
IDS | Information Delivery Specification | A document that defines the exchange requirements of digital models, which includes how the objects in the model, their properties, their classifications, their values, and their units should be exchanged. |
MVD | Model View Definition |
A subset of the overall IFC schema used to describe a data exchange for a specific use or workflow.3 The COBie standard is considered an MVD of IFC. |
FM | Facilities Management | The maintenance and management of an organization’s buildings and equipment. |
O&M | Operations & Maintenance | The tasks, responsibilities, and effort associated with ongoing facilities management. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | Open standard data file and exchange format based on attribute-value pairs and arrays in human-readable text. |
GUID | Global Unique Identifier | A 128-bit text string in hexadecimal format used to represent identification of a digital element. |
Asset | Maintainable assets of a facility for COBie are those items that the owner of a facility will manage in an Operations & Maintenance system. | Maintainable assets can include mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and other items that require maintenance, upkeep, and replacement. |
Component | The individual instances of the products and equipment defined in the Type data table. | Components can be part of other components, building an assembly. |
Entity | Class of information defined by common attributes and constraints as defined in ISO-10303-11. | Like the term “class” in common programming languages, but describing data structures only (not behavior, such as methods). |
Element | A major component, assembly, or construction entity part which, in itself or in combination with others fulfills a predominating function of a construction entity. | See IFC and MVD use of the term. |
Attribute | A single unit of data that in a certain context is considered indivisible. | Source: ISO/TS 21089:2018(en), 3.44, modified from term ‘data attribute’ to ‘attribute’. |
Instance | Occurrence of an entity. | Like the term “instance of a class” in object-oriented programming. |
Object Types | Common characteristics shared by multiple object occurrences. | Like “class”, “template”, and “type” in other publications. |
External Reference | Link to information outside the data set, with direct relevance to the specific information. | The link originates from outside of the data set. |
Data Table or |
Table of digital information |
Tables include rows of data (records) and columns of data headers. COBie is comprised of 19 data tables. |
Data Field or |
A single field of digital information | COBie is comprised of 144 data fields. |
Data Record or |
A line of related data in a table | Each data table includes rows of data, known as records, representing the assets defined in COBie. |
Data Value or |
The data in a data field | COBie requires all data fields to have some value and not be left blank, even if that value is “n/a” (not applicable). |
The following resources are referenced in this document.
1 | National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) | |
2 | The National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) | |
3 |
buildingSMART International – | |
2006 |
The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL), within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and under the lead of Bill East, began a project to create an open standard for the delivery of construction handover information. It was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), under the lead of William Brodt, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. |
2007 |
The Construction to Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) v1.0 specification was published. |
2008-2014 |
13 COBie Challenge and Case Study events were held, which showcased how different software vendors were able to comply with COBie. |
2012 |
COBie v2.26 was published as part of the National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) V2 developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). This version of COBie included a Model View Definition (MVD) based on IFC 2x3. |
2015 |
COBie v2.4 was published as part of NBIMS-US™ V3 and was updated to comply with IFC 4. |
2015-2022 |
COBie v3.0 was under development at NIBS by the COBie Workgroup, a group of volunteers with extensive industry experience with COBie. |
2023 |
COBie v3.0 was published as part of NIBS NBIMS-US™ V4 and contained many user-requested improvements. |
This section outlines the recommended process for generating and submitting a COBie standard deliverable during a project.
The general process for generating a COBie deliverable is to specify what data is wanted, when it is wanted, and who will deliver and review it. A COBie deliverable may be generated for any phase of a construction project, but the specific tables and fields must be selected or specified to populate or update. Each table has required fields that may be prerequisites to using other tables. Most projects find success using COBie when it is addressed at the beginning of the project.
One COBie file shall be provided for each facility. If there are multiple facilities, then an additional COBie file identifying the assets for the site shall also be provided.
In design and construction projects, the ultimate purpose of COBie is to deliver information about assets in a facility to the next owner/manager at the end of a phase in the project life cycle. Typically, this is the owner at the end of construction, but it can also be applied to intermediate handovers between consultants during the design and construction process. These handovers may not include all the information ultimately required, but they can still provide valuable pieces of that information to assist other consultants (for example, from the design architect to the construction contractor at the end of design). Interim deliverables are sometimes called “data drops” and are also valuable to allow the project team to build up the process and information ultimately needed by the end of the phase to help ensure that the final handover is successful and includes the content required. Even though interim requirements are not required for all projects utilizing COBie, they are strongly recommended, especially for larger projects. Common milestones where it would be beneficial to include a data drop are end of conceptual design, end of design development, end of construction documentation, and at fixed intervals during the “in-use” phase of a facility.
The minimum requirement for a COBie deliverable is to populate the required fields in the required tables. Any additional tables and fields must be specified that are required by the person or company who will provide the COBie deliverable. Also specify who will manage and transfer COBie deliverables at each phase to ensure proper coordination between phases. What tables and fields to select depends on the desired use of the COBie deliverable for each phase, but it is recommended to start with the end in mind.
COBie has required field statuses for most tables and some fields are prerequisite to using subsequent tables. The reference and if-specified field statuses are prescriptive once the required fields are completed for each table. A list of required, reference, and if-specified field statuses are in the Structure section. When selecting tables and fields to use for a project, specify how much information is necessary for each type of equipment, because it may not be useful to collect COBie data for all equipment in the built environment. For example, it may not be useful to spend the effort collecting the serial number for every light fixture if the policy is to replace it with a similar type when it is unrepairable. However, it may be necessary to collect the serial number for equipment with long warranty durations to assist with filing a possible future claim.
The scope of a construction project can be small, such as changing a filter in a building, or enormous, such as constructing a twelve-mile-long subway. Construction projects are temporary endeavors that take place over time and are composed of phases. The Construction Specification Institute (CSI) recommends nine (9) phases and defines them in OmniClass Table 31 (dated 30th October 2012 and found at CSI lists the phases in order of a traditional construction project lifecycle; however, work activities may occur in more than one phase simultaneously. For example, the Design Phase may be revisited to modify construction drawings due to unforeseen conditions while the remaining work continues in the Implementation Phase. In this example, an update may be required from the people responsible for the Design Phase and the people responsible for the Implementation Phase.
The table below indicates which COBie tables will likely be updated at each phase of construction and the following is a guide to help select which fields to update at each phase.
Inception Phase |
Conceptualization Phase |
Criteria Definition Phase |
Design Phase |
Coordination Phase |
Implementation Phase |
Handover Phase |
Operations Phase |
Closure Phase |
Company |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Facility |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Level |
? |
? |
? |
? |
SpaceType |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Space |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Zone |
? |
? |
? |
Type |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Component |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
System |
? |
? |
? |
Resource |
? |
? |
? |
Job |
? |
? |
? |
Event |
? |
? |
? |
Package |
? |
? |
? |
Risk |
? |
? |
? |
Document |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Attribute |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Coordinate |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
During the inception phase, the Company and Document tables may need updating. The Company table requires information in the Name, Company, and Phone fields, and the Document Table requires information in the name and path fields. Prescribe which of the remaining fields to update for the deliverable within the inception phase. For example, prescribe that the engineering firm develop a project charter and additionally complete the COBie.Document.Table field and COBie.Document.TableName field to capture them as the creators of the document. In this scenario, COBie.Document.Name field is the project charter’s title, COBie.Document.Path field is the relative path to document from the COBie file location, COBie.Document.Table field is the Company table, and COBie.Document.TableName field is the engineering firm’s name. Also indicate who will review the COBie deliverable for the Inception Phase, such as the owner or internal staff, and who will assume responsibility of the COBie data after approval.
The Company, Facility, Level, SpaceType, and Document tables may need updating during this phase. It is recommended to consult with staff when determining what fields to prescribe, because it may be necessary to provide more guidance to the person who will perform the updates. For example, the space manager may require the COBie.Space.RoomTag field to follow a naming convention, or the COBie.Space.NetArea field to conform to a specific measurement standard, such as from the Building Owners and Manager Association (BOMA) International. These unique requirements are not part of the COBie Standard, they will need to be specified. Indicate who will review the COBie Deliverable and who will assume responsibility for the COBie data after approval.
The Company, Facility, Level, SpaceType, Space, Zone, Type, and Document tables may need updating during the Criteria Definition Phase. It is recommended to consult with staff when determining what fields to prescribe and check for any additional requirements when capturing COBie data. For example, the facility manager may only need COBie data for a few assets, such as HVAC units, power transformers, water pumps, etc., and may want the COBie.Type.WarrantyDescription field for all of them.
In addition to the tables indicated in the Criteria Definition Phase, the Component, System, Attribute, and Coordinate Tables may need updating during the Design Phase. Consider what values to update in the Attribute table for each asset.
Many pre-construction efforts occur during the Coordination Phase, such as the submission of safety plans, shop drawings, product data, etc. The designer or owner typically evaluates, coordinates, and approves the submissions which could provide more detailed information about the built environment before implementation. For example, identifying additional equipment implicit to the design. Specify a COBie deliverable that captures this information during the Coordination Phase, and the tables that may need updating are Type, Component, System, Document, Attribute, Coordinate, and Risk.
More detailed information will become available during the Implementation phase when the constructor installs equipment, such as the equipment serial number, installation date, and precise location. There may also be product submissions received for review and approval during this phase. As such, the tables Type, Component, Document, and Coordinate may need updating.
There may be a need to update some fields in the Type, Component, Document, Attribute, and Coordinate tables during the Handover Phase for various reasons, such as replacing equipment with a different manufacturer due to failing an inspection. Information could also be captured that facility managers need to service equipment such as skill type, maintenance activities, and service schedules in the Resource, Job, Event, and Package tables.
The Operations Phase typically consists of small projects, such as replacing or repairing equipment, that result in updating the Type and Component tables. Consequently, maintenance activities and new risks associated with the equipment replaced or repaired may need to be updated in the Resource, Job, Event, Package, and Risk tables.
Demolishing a building in whole or in part may result in updating essentially all tables, depending on the project’s scope. It is recommended that partial demolitions are diligently captured to ensure the COBie deliverable reflects the built environment for the next project.
The BIM Execution Plan for the project should specify which phases a COBie deliverable is wanted, and who will be responsible for updating each field within the deliverable. The National BIM Standard-United States® (NBIMS-US™) includes a section on BIM Execution Planning. For some larger, more complex projects, a COBie Execution Plan may be needed to define all the owner requirements for COBie deliverables, including the roles and responsibilities for data management.
Sub-phases/milestones may also be specified such as “Construction Documents - 2” or a number of days prior to substantial completion. For example, specifying that the designer is responsible for updating the name, type, and location of equipment during the Design Phase at CD-2, while the constructor is responsible for updating the manufacturer, model number, and serial number information during the Implementation Phase at 120 days prior to substantial completion. In this scenario, the constructor will use the COBie data created by the designer to develop the deliverable for the Implementation Phase. Therefore, also specify the transfer of responsibility of the COBie data from one person to another for each phase of the construction lifecycle (primarily, what fields the person must keep up to date during the duration of their responsibility). Transfers of responsibility could be designer-to-owner, designer-to-constructor, owner-to-constructor, constructor-to-operator, operator-to-operator, owner-to-owner, owner-to-designer, etc. The transfers will vary depending on the category of projects such as new construction, renovations, operations and maintenance, or demolition. For example, a new construction project may generate COBie data for the first time, so the first transfer may be designer-to-constructor. For renovation projects, the owner may provide existing COBie data to the designer, which is owner-to-designer.
A BIM Execution Plan, or COBie Execution Plan, should designate who will review content in each COBie deliverable. For example, the facility manager could review fields related to equipment and ensure that they have sufficient data for operations and maintenance. The space manager could review space data and ensure it has the correct names, categories, zoning, etc. It is recommended to place more emphasis on reviewing the initial deliverables to clarify and express your expectations for the next deliverables.
Consider using tools to automate submittal reviews. These tools can be very useful in validating the proper formatting in a COBie deliverable and provide feedback to the authors. Several tools are freely available to check the structure of the COBie file or even to validate COBie data in BIM models before generating a COBie deliverable (either for structure or against project requirements).
Title | Description | |
NBIMS-US COBie V3 Spreadsheet - Blank | A template for delivering COBie in one of the approved formats, SpreadsheetML, which is the same format utilized by Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. | Download |
NBIMS-US COBie V3 JSON Schema | A template for delivering COBie in one of the approved formats, JSON. | Download |
NBIMS-US COBie V3 IFC Schema | A template for delivering COBie in one of the approved formats, IFC. | Download |