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U.S. National BIM Program
  • NBIM

Project Description


The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) proposes to lead the development and dissemination of a next-generation information standard for the built environment. The U.S. National Building Information Management Program will build on the work of the NIBS BIM Council and the National Building Information Modeling Standard (NBIMS) to provide a step-change in capacity, creating a platform for the next phase of digital innovation. This project offers the opportunity to improve the relationships, performance and profitability of the increasingly digitalized U.S. architecture/engineering/construction/operation (AECO) industry. 


NIBS will lead a consortium of government and private sector owners and industry representatives from design, construction, manufacturing, technology and asset operation sectors, plus software vendors, to develop a standard that reflects current best practices, international process standards and the evolution of future digital tools. 

Next Steps
Measuring Success

Build more assets with less money by enhancing efficiency. 

Strengthen U.S. industry access to global markets with compatible standards. 

Create standards for faster delivery, managed costs, and increased sustainability across the supply chain. 

Bridge the digital exchange divide between owners and their suppliers to generate greater value from asset data.

Expand innovation of new digital solutions. 

Build on U.S. leadership in AECO technology development. 

The National BIM Program Steering Committee members
Program News

Project Details

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